"Wow Lonnie, that was lame." Riley said.

"Actually it wasn't, Lonnie's right love is a strong word, you can't just fall in and out of love." Jordan said.

"Yeah you can't change someone you love the way that you change someone you crush on" Lonnie said.

"Yeah Riley you change crushes like clothes." Jordan added.

"Okay point taken" Riley said.

"It's pretty obvious that they are attracted to each other, and pretty soon I'm sure they would start crushing on each other and maybe fall in love." Lonnie said.

"Yeah and we'll help them" Riley said.

"No! No offense Riley but when you meddle in someone's love life it doesn't end well" Lonnie said.

"None taken actually" Riley said.

"Well I think it's time for dinner let's go break up the lovebirds." Jordan said.

They walk to where Jane and Carlos were studying

"Alright lovebirds time for dinner" Lonnie said.

Jane and Carlos blushed furiously.

"Ok here you go, you can just return it to me in class tomorrow" Jane said handing Carlos her math book.

"Thanks" Carlos said taking the book.

"Come on let's go" Riley said dragging Jane.

They went to the cafeteria, after taking their meals they sat at their usual table.

"Ok what was going on at the library?" Riley asked.

"We were just studying" Jane said

"Studying? Guy sure knows how to treat a lady on a date" Jordan said as the others laughed.

"It wasn't a date" Jane said trying to hide her flushed face.

"So Jane you made the team." Lonnie came to her best friend's rescue

Jane nodded at her gratefully "yep and it was really easy but they have cheer practice every Tuesday and Thursday." Jane said.

"Wow you joined the team I'm really proud of you" Jordan said.

"Great so I'll finally have someone to talk to other than Audrey, she bleeds my eardrum sometimes." Riley said

They were joined by Evie and Mal.

"Oh hi Jane, Lonnie, Jordan, who is this?" Evie asked.

"This is our friend Riley" Lonnie said.

"Riley meet Evie and Mal." Jane introduced them to each other.

"Hi" Riley said

"Hey" Mal and Evie answered.

"You will get to know each other better during our sleepover" Lonnie said.

"Yeah tots" Riley said.

"Hey you are that girl who went into the boys lounge aren't you....you know what I love your guts" Riley said.

"Yeah thanks" Evie said.

"Okay after eating you guys should just go to your dorms, shower, get your PJs and come to my room immediately." Jordan said.

"Why? The sleepover isn't till 9:30pm, it's barely even 8"Mal said.

"Well for the interview we agreed to meet an hour before the slumber party to do the interview" Jordan explained.

"So if Evie's gonna leave now what am I supposed to do for the next one and a half hour?" Mal asked feeling annoyed.

"Well I could keep you occupied, do you like art?" Riley asked.

"Like it? I love it, live it infact" Mal said.

"Really I love art too we could have a show down to pass time." Riley suggested

"Okay that's literally the most exciting thing I've heard since I came to Auradon." Mal said.

"Oh yeah are you ready to get your butt whooped?" Riley said cockily.

"When I'm done with you, you will lose with flying colors." Mal said

"They didn't mention this but I happened to be the daughter of Rapunzel. Art is in my blood." Riley said.

"Bring it on then" Mal said.

Everybody on the table was just watching the two artists bickering.

"Well let's go right now." Riley said standing up from the chair.

"Okay Mal said following Riley to wherever she was going.

"Um I have one question if they were fighting who was the best artist? When did they eat their food?" Lonnie asked pointing to Mal and Riley's empty plate.

They all looked at the plate suprised before bursting into laughter.

"Who do you think is gonna win?" Jane asked.

"Well Riley is a good artist but we don't know what Mal is capable of yet." Lonnie answered.

"That Riley seems really competitive" Evie said.

"Nah only when it comes to art" Jordan replied

"Okay I've been looking forward to this sleepover and I can't wait" Evie said.

"Me neither" Jane said.

"So then stop eating like ants so we can get going, the sooner the better." Jordan said

They all ate their dinner and left to their respective dorms to shower.

Who do you think will win the art show down? Mal or Riley. Let me know what you think. Bye

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