Aubrey just listened to Charlotte, gave her no judgement or intel. He just let her talk about her feelings. "So, if you're going to try and express yourself more in our relationship. I will too," Charlotte gave him a small smile.

Drake smiled back at her. "You're going to be real mad, but I actually have to meet Jonny in," He picked up his phone from the nightstand, "In twenty minutes, downstairs for a workout."

Charlotte instantly started to groan, she nuzzled her head into the side of his chest. "You can stay here, sleep some more. But, after I'm done I got a surprise for you," Aubrey informed her.

"How long?" Aubrey heard Char's muffled voice ask. "An hour tops," He answered her question. Charlotte reluctantly nodded her head as to say she was okay with it.

Drake slowly lifted the blankets from off of him, and slid his body away from Charlotte. He realized that the two were both naked from the night before, so he looked around on the ground for his shorts. He found his grey, Nike shorts and slid them on quickly.

When he looked back up, Charlotte had herself covered and cuddled into the white comforter. His mood and motivation was raised at the sight. Having her around him, waking up in the same bed as her was a major mood lifter for him.

He placed one knee on the bed and leaned over to kiss her cheek. "I'll be back," He told her in a light voice. Charlotte hummed back at him in response, she was already almost asleep again.

Aubrey opened his bedroom, looked at Charlotte in bed once again before he quietly closed the door behind him. Charlotte fell asleep for what felt like a minute before the sound of her phone ringing scared her out of sleep.

She grabbed her phone from the nightstand next to her, pressed the answer call button, and put the phone to her ear with her eyes still closed.

"Hey honey!" Kris's cheerful voice greeted her daughter. "What time is it?" Charlotte groaned into the phone.

"Well, it's six in the morning here. But I knew that there's a three hour time difference, so I thought you'd be awake at nine in the morning," Kris explained to her.

Charlotte forcefully opened her eyes, "Aubrey's up and working out. I'm just too tired to get out of bed."

"Come on, get up and go workout with him," Kris tried to encourage Charlotte. Char' immediately shut down the idea, "I workout at night. I could never get enough energy to work out in the morning."

"So, how is it?" Kris asked. "It's good, fun being with Aubrey. I met Adonis yesterday," Charlotte told her mother.

"Awe," Charlotte could hear her mother's smile, "That's cute. He's a gorgeous boy."

Charlotte agreed with the Jenner before Kris brought up something else. "Well, last night at dinner. The family agreed to go to Wyoming tomorrow, for a couple of days. To help Kim get her mind off of things."

"Well, what time would you guys get there?" Charlotte was leaving Toronto tomorrow morning to get back to L.A. in the early afternoon. She would leave Toronto at eleven in the morning EST time, and land in L.A. at twelve in the afternoon PST time.

"We'd leave at like eleven so we'd get there at twelve in the afternoon with the time zones," Kris informed the second youngest Jenner. Charlotte did the math in her head, "I wouldn't even be back in L.A before then. I'd have to go back to L.A, get there at like twelve thirty. Go get Lucious, bring him back to the airport. Fly out at like two and not even get to Casper until four."

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