"I'm really sorry Brooke I was just looking for an insult to shut him up real quick." Ham said. That right there, that shouldn't even be considered an insult to them. I wanted to say it but I said "it's fine." In a light tone.
"That was a sick punch though."
"Yeah yeah awesome."
"Best punch I've ever seen."
They all said smiling. "Thanks, I'm going home." I said getting up and leaving before anyone could say anything else. They didn't try and stop me anyways.

Luke's POV

"I should go talk to her shouldn't I?" I asked watching Brooke walk away. All the boys nodded slowly. "Fine can someone come with me? She's scary..." All the boys stayed silent. "Benny she's not mad at you come with me." I said pulling at Bennys sleeve. "I would go but she's probably most mad at me." Ham said shaking his head no slowly. "Come on Benny don't make me go alone." I said scared. "Fine I will go." Benny said rolling his eyes. We started walking off and then Timmy yelled. "Good luck." Tommy repeated. "Thanks I guess!" I said.

"Is she really that bad?" Benny asked as we walked to my house. "Yeah sometimes I regret teaching her to punch." I laughed. "It was a sick punch though."
"Yeah it was, I'm proud." I smiled.
"Yeah but maybe we should let her cool off before talking to her."
"That's a good idea."

After a few moments of awkward silence I spoke up. "So who do you like?"
"Huh?" Benny said choking on nothing. "Who do you like in heard the boys talking about it yesterday." I said. "Okay but you can't tell her."
"So I know her?" I said raising my eyebrows. "Yes...it's Brooke." Benny said quickly and quietly. "What!" I yelled. "Yes now shh." He replied. "Oh my gosh you have to tell her...or at least give her hints that you like her!" I said a little loudly. "I am I just don't know how to do it." Benny sighed. "I can help with that." I said walking into my house. Brooke was in the shower so we just watched tv. I heard her singing and so did Benny.

Brookes POV
    I went straight home and ran to my room. My parents were at work so there was no one except my dog, Grace she was 2. I ran upstairs and laid on my bed. Grace followed me and laid next to me. I then got in the shower to calm me down. I was home alone so no one could hear me sing. I put on a play list and sang along. (Your music choice)

I sang along to every song, even though the boys had already heard me sing and said I was amazing I was still a bit insecure about it. When I got out I heard foot steps going downstairs. I just thought it was Luke and he got home. I kept singing and got dressed. I wore some grey shorts and a black kinda oversized t-shirt. I went downstairs hoping Luke wouldn't be there and then I heard voices. "She's a really good singer I don't know why she denies it." A Familiar voice said. Benny... I leaned on the wall that lead into the living room. "You guys were spying on me?" I asked crossing my arms. They jumped at the sound of my voice. "Uh..no I just heard you and it sounded amazing." Benny said shyly. "Mhm so spying?" I said sarcastically. They just giggled and I sat in front of Benny on the floor (because you know sitting on the floor and watching tv hits different lmao.) "what are we watching?" I said grabbing the remote from Luke. I put on a movie and then ran to the kitchen. I grabbed a tub of ice cream and a spoon. I sat down and started watching the movie.

"Arn't you cold?" Luke asked me when a commercial came on. "Yeah a little why?"  I said looking up at him. He just shrugged and I looked away. I looked at him from the corner of my eye him looking at Benny and motioning his head towards me. I didn't think anything of it until he got up and sat by me. "Can I have some?" Benny asked looking at my ice cream. I looked at him dead in the eyes. "No." I said then smiled. His mouth dropped and he gasped putting his hand over his heart in a fake hurt. I laughed and handed him the ice cream. I saw Luke smirking at us as he watched tv. I rolled my eyes and Benny took a bite of ice cream. "Hold on I will be right back." Luke said getting up from his spot. "Okay." Me and Benny replied. Me and Benny ended up finishing the ice cream. Luke came back and sat back down. "Let me throw this away real quick." I said about to get up. "No it's fine I got it." Luke said getting back up and smirking. I gave him a confused look. The floor got uncomfortable after awhile and I'm pretty sure Luke went upstairs. I sat up and got on the couch. Benny did the same and I laid my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and I drifted off to sleep. (Here's a picture if you want one.)


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Dang I'm on a roll I have posted like 4 times in 2 or 3 days 😌

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