Accepted? Or Disowned?

Start from the beginning

"Me? No not me who's Snot-lout?" Snot-lout asks looking around playing dumb. "Zane! You need help just stop and let us out so I can fix your gears!" Kai yells at Zane. "Kai stay out of it," Zane snaps and turns to the riders once more.

He zeroes in on Snot-loud who was scared for his life. Heather decided to charge and try to land a hit. Zane dodges her within a inch of his skin and Heather slips on the ice giving Zane the moment he needed to grab her axe and then swung the stick of it into her stomach and she was flung into a ice sculpture.

Zane then stamped his foot and Heather was covered in ice from the waist down. He turns back to the group a psychotic grin on his face that would have made Dagger jealous.

"Who's next? I got someone I want to kill," Zane grins a finger sliding down the sharp axe. "Well it was nice knowing you Snot-lout," Tuff-nut said than pushed the poor boy forward and then tried to book it to the exit with Ruff-nut right behind him.

Key word was tried because Zane froze the only exit to the cave and froze it solid before looking at Snot-lout. "Say your payers," Zane said before creating sharp ice stars in the air and shooting them at the riders, mainly Snot-lout.

Lucky for him Astrid uses her axe and started blocking them as they smashed against the metal. Astrid charges and did better than Heather by going on defensive as the boy was clearly someone who was trained better in defensive combat not offensive. He tried blasting her with ice, but it wasn't very accurate. Still everyone had to duck for cover behind the frozen sculptures to avoid being hit.

Fish-legs freed Heather and Stoic only to get frozen himself by a rogue blast that luckily didn't do more than make him cold while Snot-lout went to the chunk of ice that Hiccup and Kai were in. "Why is that guy mad at me? And why can he make ice with his bare hands?" Snot-lout hisses to the chiefs twins. "He's mad at me for giving him a piece of my mind and he blames you for it also I tried to warn you. Zane's a sacred warrior who can do more than you know," Kai explains. "Me! Why me!?" Snot-lout asks. "I don't know," Kai said. "Just get us out of here," Hiccup orders.

Snot-lout took his helmet off and started using it to smash at the ice. Wonder why Kai hasn't melted it? Well like the wall it was unmeltable, but not in breakable and Snot-lout was chipping away at it bit by bit.

Zane noticed and he was distracted from dealing with Astrid which gave her the opening she needed to land her axe right in Zane's chest.

The entire group froze as Astrid gave a deep tired breath waiting for the blood to start pouring out. It never did though and Zane pulled the axe from his chest to reveal his insides. What they saw was metal and sparks flying. Fish-legs actually screams and it echoed across the icy cavern.

"What the Thor?" Astrid asks as Zane grabbed her arm. "That wasn't nice," he said.

Kai panics and looked around for something to throw or something to distract Zane. He found a sharp icicle and got a idea.

Astrid was trying to get her arm back, but Zane's grip was tight as he waited for the nano bots upgrade to fix the damage to his body. The upgrade was new and very helpful in battle repairing damaging like skin breach and broken wires. It was only if she had hit his power source that he wouldn't have been able to regenerate. "That was mean," He said and nearly froze her solid, but a loud voice rang out drawing his attention.


Said person turned seeing a sharp icicle in his shoulder with a pained expression and a liquid darkening his gi. and Zane dropped Astrid throwing her to the side where she landed against Stoic breaking his ice prison.

Zane ran to Kai's side with a worried expression to look at the wound in his shoulder speaking rapidly.

When he actually scanned it though he realized that it was a trick! The liquid was just water Kai had melted and since his clothing was already red in Zane's frantic state he didn't look at it close enough to realize the wound was fake. Zane had a heavy weight jump onto his back and the distinct yell of

A Viking Chief's twinsWhere stories live. Discover now