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"OH MY GOD'' I remember yelling when I saw the bullets come crashing down from outside the gate and people running with guns. "DEZZY! HERE!!" Carl's voice was yelling from behind me as he threw a black pistol into my hands, and ran towards the building. I turned and started aiming while listening to the gunshots coming from both sides and watching the bodies of the people who attacked us, drop to the ground. I looked around and ran to hide behind a blue bus, almost like a school bus that had tipped over in the field closer to the front gates, I remember looking out from behind the bus and dodging quick enough to see the bullet that would have killed me glide a hair away from my face. I turned and saw a man with an eyepatch shooting directly at me, I looked around and then took a deep breath before peeking behind the bus and shooting right in his direction. I didn't know if I hit him but the bullets stopped long enough for me to reload my gun. I saw Carl and Beth ducked behind bleachers as he was shooting at a man perched in the watchtower, and I could see Herschel in the field staying low in the grass. I remember seeing Carol using one of the prison men as a shield, and Michonne was standing next to me, by the bus, shooting in different directions, changing when she knocked someone down. I looked at Michonne who gestured to me to stay quiet and behind the bus, I nodded and waited, before hearing the gunshots being let go by the man in the eyepatch. He thought he had won, and he showed it. Rick was hiding behind a small wooden bridge, armed with an automatic rifle, ducking from the gunshots that had almost killed him seconds before. Carl and Beth made their way closer to Carol. I could see Carl shooting at whoever was shooting at Carol and then I heard a woman. "BETH!!!" Maggie yelled while handing a large gun over to her polite blonde sister who had now finally joined the fight, as she was unarmed before. Carol ran to Beth and Carl and grabbed an extra gun Maggie had given to Beth. It was seconds, and all the shots stopped. The loud breathing coming from everyone who was just being shot at, as everyone was peering around the corners to see what had happened and why the shooting stopped. I looked at Michonne and then made eye contact with Carl, who was now further away from me. Michonne and I had been in a field closer to the gates. We were stuck there, or we would die trying to leave. I peeked around the corner and stood up quickly when I saw a white and red van on its way to plow down the gates that had been protecting us, and it did just that. Breaking down the silver chain link fence. I looked at Michonne who had ducked out of the way of the van. I could see she was worried and that made me worry, I looked around to see a confirmed nod to stay where I was from Rick, who was still outside of the gates. I nodded back to him and turned my back to lean against the bus and stared at Carl who was not looking directly at me. Michonne and I were now facing the van as it drove inside and stopped closer to the prison then the bus we had been at was. There was a large metal cover on the back door that was wide open. It was silent. We were all confused as to what was going on, but the loud bang of the metal covering falling to the ground, almost like a ramp, made us all jump. I'm sure we were confused, unsure of what was truly happening. The growls were loud as the van emptied with walkers that had been piled in. I looked at Michonne again and waited for her to tell me what to do. A man got out of the drivers side and started shooting at Michonne and me as we quickly dipped to the other side of the bus to stay hidden. "What do we do Mich?" I said quickly, hearing the fear in my tone. Before she could answer, the shooting from every angle started again. Hershal was now laying in the field that Michonne and I were in, hiding in the grass while shooting walkers as they were coming towards him. As the walkers flooded in from the outside, adding to the group that was already inside, I heard another shot from the man in the eyepatch and then looked quickly to Rick, who was now outside surrounded by walkers and no ammo. I saw a brown truck pull in that Glenn, Maggie's boyfriend, had been driving. He looked confused, he hadn't been here and didn't see what happened. As everyone started moving to the field that now held more walkers than people living in the prison alone, Michonne pulled her sword and ran to start killing walkers. I grabbed a gun that had been strapped to a dead walker and started firing at the walkers coming towards me as I walked the opposite direction as Michonne. I turned to look behind me and saw Glenn and Michonne helping Herschel into the truck; he couldn't walk, considering he only had one leg. I looked ahead of me at Rick who was pushed against the fence by walkers. I started running to help him but before I could get there, I saw Daryl and Merle running from the wood to his assistance. I saw Daryl aim and shoot his crossbow. Before I knew it, I had a back pressed against mine. "You need help?" The question slipped just like it did in the kitchen weeks prior. I looked at him with a small smile and then went back to shooting. Carl and I ran to Glenn's truck and jumped in the bed of it right before it went into the gates that were still intact. We all got out looking at each other making sure the people we cared about were okay. Carl was messing with the gate that was still standing, making it harder to be broken down by the walkers filling the field. Rick, Merle and Daryl were all still outside, fighting off the last of the walkers trying to attack Rick. We all stood behind the fence looking at the destruction that had just been brought onto us, I looked at Rick and even from as far as I was away, I could see the pure anger he felt. As we looked onto the field that had walkers from outside now trickling in, the question that stood between all of us but none of us said, was 'What happens now?"

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