𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐢 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐮𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮

Start from the beginning

"Don't get me wrong, munchkin, I'd like you to find somebody, but somebody who really deserves you." He came closer and put his arms around me in friendly hug. "I haven't seen your ex, but even only after stories about him, I wanted to beat shit out of him. I don't like to fight, so let him be the only guy I want to wipe out from the face of the Earth."

"I get it. Prevent Noah 2.0 existence. Mission accepted." I giggled.

In moment like this I always feel myself content. I feel safe. I'm fully aware that Connor and I are not related by blood, but after a chance meeting, sometimes he can be closer to me than anyone else. He's like older brother I have been dreaming about. I have thought that your meeting was predestined by fate, because even with all his dumb shit, Connor is like my guardian, like guardian angel.

I honestly believe in karma and science. I know that butterfly effect is one of the sources of theory of chaos, but I can connect it with real life, relations between people, that's why I believe that every meeting is not and accident. It's just one small motion in past, which have impact in real life. The counting till meeting with Connor started when I had been thinking about moving to London or had been searching for job here. The same is with meeting with Louis. This countdown began when Millie had found her scholarship.

So, every meeting can be destiny or just a result of butterfly effect.

"Care to share?" Voice came out of nowhere, I needed seconds to recognize Connor's. "I've been silent for minute, it's too long for you. I'd say that it's impossibly long for you." He smirked.

"I wanted to tell you I've been thinking about you being my guardian. You know, with your cautiousness and carefulness, but now I want to tell you're asshole." I laughed and shoved his shoulder.

"Tomorrow, Alice and I will pick you up." I raised my brows. "We need your help and advice." The question didn't become clearer. "To choose the restaurant."

"Okay, if you and Alice go with me to the bar tonight." I really want to go to the bar tonight, because last week had been a mess. It was too much for my tiny human being.

"Why tonight? We can go tomorrow after restaurant." Connor suggested. It'd be great idea, but I need to get wasted tonight, to forgot about some issues.

"Each of us need to have some alcohol in our bodies and listen to good old music. It's Friday, as well. When did we go out last time? We started to live life of that 40 years old adults. You needn't to drink until you'll be wasted." I winked.

"I agree, but I need to ask Alice first." I raised my arms in surrender. "Where is you bandage?"

It's been almost two weeks since I've got my cast. I can't wait to see the moment when my arm is free to move. Doctor said that bandage isn't THAT compulsory, so sometimes I take it off, like today.

"Bandage hides these perfect pictures. It's crime against art to hide them under some piece of canvas." I said confidently.

"These pictures look childish." I looked at him, tell me something I don't already know. "Why had you drawn them?"

"How I can draw them by myself if I do everything by right hand, which is hidden under this beautiful cast?" I raised my brow. "These pictures are drawn by Louis, Niall and Calliope." I looked at little sun drawn by Calli and caught myself on thought to visit her next week.

"Who's Calliope?" Connor furrowed his brows.

"The girl we met in the hospital. I thought Alice told you. She's only four and is suffering from polycystic kidney disease, treatment is good for now, but everything can change." I sighed. "I want to visit her next week, you can go with me if you want."

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