"How many times do I have to tell you, you can't just do that to people?!"

"Really? Because it seems to me that I'm perfectly capable."

"Oh, my god.", he sighed, "C'mon, you know that's not what I meant, smartass."

"Still. I have every right to be pissed."

"Do you?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely! Are you kidding? You act like those aren't the same people who didn't give a shit about what happened to my brothers, my sister, or even my fucking mom! No matter how many times we showed evidence, pictures, videos, literal fucking bruises all over us, they didn't give a shit! They didn't care that my dad used to shoot me up with heroin when he paid boys to rape me! They didn't care when I tried to fucking kill myself! They didn't care that all the times I got into trouble it was a desperate plea for help! They didn't care when my dad threatened to kill his whole family! And you know why? Because it was easier to get rid of the problem children in Ridgewood than file papers to CPS. So, yes, I have every single god damn right to boil with rage for all the fucked up shit this place, and those people have done to me.", her chest was heaving from all the rage boiling in her, "Oh, and one more thing. I don't know who the fuck you're talking to like that. Because I know damn well it's not me. Nobody gets to talk to me like I'm just their bitch, not even you. And if you really insist on doing it--", she pulled the three rings off her finger, "then you can have these back.".;

Before Spencer could even say anything, she disappeared around the corner. Morgan walked up behind him, "What the hell just happened? Where she'd go?" 

Spencer's breathing was heavy, "Holy crap. I knew coming back would be hard for her, but I didn't think it'd be this bad. But, I think I know where she's going.", he pulled out his phone and dialed Garcia's number. 

"Boy wonder, how can I be of assistance? How's Atti?"

"Um--not great. I need you to look up a guy named RJ Jackson."

"Am I looking for a bad guy or?"

"No, no. He was Att's best friend in high school and I just wanna know if he still lives here."

"Ok! Good news, he's still in town and he owns a bar called 'Cheers and Beers' about ten minutes from where you guys are."


Atticus walked into the bar and took a seat. 

"Holy shit. No fucking way! If it isn't Ms. Atticus Parker!"

"Hi!", she giggled. 

"What the hell are you doing here? You always said you were never coming back!"

"I know, I know. But--uh I'm actually here because apparently there's an entire group that wants to take me out."

"Like, you're here on investigation?"


"What? You FBI or something now?"

"Does marrying in count?"


"Then, no."

"Hold up, married?!"

"Yup.", she stared down the glass of whiskey he had put in front of her as she swirled it around. 

"Well--where's that ring?"

"Long story."

"Oh, honey, I got all day.", she explained the situation to him as best she could, "Sweetheart, there's gotta be more you're not telling me, you haven't taken one sip of your drink."

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