7: The Earnest Demon

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He returns a long while later re-dressed. I am ridiculously disappointed when he releases me from the manacles, although my body is aching from laying in the same position for hours. "Make me food and then clean the mess you made in my room." He orders, not even looking at me. Did I hurt the demon's feelings? Good.

I trudge up the stairs to the kitchen, finding my clothes still in the cupboard. I use a few paper towels to clean myself up then get dressed. When I'm almost done making my take on spaghetti, the demon finds his way into the kitchen. I glance at him as I stir the sauce, seeing his eyes are fixed on the motion. As I drain the noodles he watches intently. Even me putting the noodles on the plate and dumping spaghetti sauce on top seems to fascinate him.

I slide the plate in front of him and he begins eating eagerly. As he slurps noodles, sauce trails up his brutish cleft chin. I hand him a folded paper towel as a napkin. He eyeballs it, forking another bite of messy noodles into his mouth. He doesn't know how to use a fucking napkin? I roll my eyes, wiping at his chin to show him how. My breath catches when our eyes meet, and his hand falls gently over mine. He looks so adorably vulnerable, like a child eating spaghetti for the first time. I wouldn't think black eyes could look so earnest.

"You should eat," He suggests, taking the napkin and shoving another bite in his mouth. I nod, then make myself a plate. I stand across from him and do my best to not make as big a mess of myself as he is. Inevitably I splatter sauce on my chin and cover my mouth embarrassed as I try to slurp up the pesky noodle. A large hand moves mine aside, running a rough thumb over my chin, wiping away the sauce. I watch as he pops the thumb in his mouth, sucking away the mess then grins at me cheekily. My heart is fluttering in a way it hasn't in years. I can't help but smile back, giggling a little like a fucking schoolgirl. I take a few more careful bites then go to the sink to clean my plate.

"You want more, Master?" I ask, sounding a whole hell of a lot more enthusiastic than I meant to.

He smirks at me. "No thanks, Little Hero." He replies, picking up his plate, walking it over to the sink. Why am I so disappointed? "Come on." He orders, interrupting my pouting by taking my hand and dragging me up the stairs. What the fuck? Why is he holding my hand?

He leads me into his room. Oh yeah, he wants me to clean up the mess I made. I would say it's actually cleaner in here. The mess is his clothes I piled up in the other room along with all his dirty underwear from the bathroom.

"I put the clothes you were wearing in these drawers." He says proudly, like we're a couple that just moved in together. He releases my hand, walking over to the bathroom. "I got you a toothbrush too." He informs, gesturing over to the sink counter where two toothbrushes rest side by side in a porcelain cup. Does he think I'm going to stay in here with him?

"Now put all my clothes back and come to bed." He orders flippantly, sprawling out in his bed, propping his head up with one arm.

I stare at him dumbfounded for a moment. "I'll put your clothes away, but I'm sure as hell not sleeping with you and I'm pretty sure of hell." I snap, before stomping out of the room to retrieve his clothes. I'm stopped abruptly by the collar of my shirt. In a moment the shirt falls to my feet in tattered pieces. I turn to find the mash up from hell standing behind me, its massive dick swinging intimidatingly at eye level. The thing barely fits in the room. I shriek in horror doubly so as it tears the pants from my body easily with its massive, clawed hand. I'm left in nothing but the silky boxers and veiled in sheer horror.

"I am your master, Little Hero. This will be the last time you forget." The beast growls.

I nod, taking a step back. "Yes, master." I whimper pathetically, retreating to the door as quickly as my quacking knees will allow.

The thing dissolves into a black ooze that reforms into the deceivingly ruggedly handsome man. "You can do the clothes tomorrow. Go to bed." He orders dismissively with an unreadable expression.

"Yes, master." I sputter, turning and fleeing from the room. I find my dog bed in the spare room and curl up on it. At least it isn't cold in hell.


Thank you for reading(: Do you think Hero was to hasty in rejecting his Master?

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