2: So, This is Hell

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The darkness is replaced with retina burning light in the next instant. Color returns to the world as my eyes adjust to my new surroundings. I'm in a large foyer decorated in earthy tones of brown and red. It reminds me of a cabin but grander. I stumble away from the man when he releases my wrist abruptly. Rubbing my wrist, I fix my eyes on the one that has brought me here through unexplainable means.

"Why did you bring me here?" I squeak out to his back as he walks into another room.

He doesn't reply, just leaves me here. I run to the door and throw it open. Before me is a literal hellscape. Brimstone surrounds the cabin, erupting in smoke and magma at intervals. Dark figures writhe above, some slithering down the walls. I slam the door in terror, leaning against it hyperventilating. I am going to die, or I'm dead, or I'm insane and live in the confines of my sick demented mind.

The man comes back into the room, an intimidating figure that is made slightly less terrifying by the scene outside.

"Put this on." He orders. His voice is low, unsurprisingly, and harsh. I take what he thrust into my arms in my shaking hands.

It's a maid uniform. A skimpy impractical maid uniform. I stare at him and he stares back expectantly. He knows I'm a dude, right? I know I'm not the most masculine with my slimmer build and some say to large brown doe eyes, but I have a masculine facial structure and my brown hair is cut short. Plus, I'm wearing men's clothes, a suit that is probably a size to big, but still. I am a guy.

"I... I... I... don't understand." I stutter, looking down, ashamed of my weakness. I should be fighting him, cursing him, yelling at him, but I know there is no point.

"I said put it on. Don't make me repeat myself!" He yells.

I involuntarily shrink under his outburst like a small cowering child, hating myself for every second of it.

"You belong to me." The man informs at a more reasonable volume but not much less threatening.

I look up at this weird claim. He looks down at me with those too dark eyes with almost an earnest expression. He smirks at something on my face and I rub my face self-consciously.

"When you intervened for the woman, you agreed to take responsibility for her, assuming her debts. What she owed me was her soul." As he explains an evil smile raises the corners of his lips.

At this distance he's actually kind of beautiful in a very masculine way. His jaw is wide, his nose set in a regal angle, his dark eyes set back under a strong brow. Those dark eyes glint in a way that inexplicably excites me. What is wrong with me?

"Would you like to know what you're paying for?" He asks, moving even closer. I gulp, looking away again.

"She exchanged her soul for the death of her ex-boyfriend." He laughs, running his hand through is fashionable dark hairstyle. "Now do as I say, Little Hero."

He walks away, taking off his bulky coat as he does. He is wearing black leather pants that look like a second skin revealing a firm, dare I say, juicy ass. I look away quickly, heat rising in my cheeks. Why would I think that? The dude just admitted to being a hit man who excepts payment in the form of souls and I'm thinking about his ass.

"I could change your clothes for you, if you prefer." He offers in a lighthearted threat.

"Hell no!" I refuse, though one part of my body doesn't completely hate the idea.

"Fine!" I yell, holding out an arm as if it would stop him. "Is there somewhere I can change?" I mutter shamefully.

"I suppose." He considers, in front of me now. "If you call me Master." He adds.

Master's Little HeroWhere stories live. Discover now