Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 -  A New World and A Villain 

'How long until land?' You thought to yourself a little annoyed because you've been with on your jet for about a day and a half that you've been flying south to reach land. 'Did I go the wrong way? I hope I'm not lost and if I am I blame Diana' Your thoughts were interrupted by a bird crashing into your invisible jet you gazed amazed as they went past you. When you looked back you saw land you smiled and forward the jet passing the large buildings and landed on a deserted beach. You jumped out the ground was soft and squishy like the beaches back at home.  After a while of enjoying the scenery you grab your bag with your essentials such as weapons, money (from Diana), and your clothes. 

You wouldn't want any one to see you yet so you said "Invisibility" after you felt a familiar wave hit you started walking again. When walking on the way you saw a variety of animals then a while later you reach the city. 


First Person POV

When I reached the city I hear "Assault, robbery, and illegal use of powers during hour traffic you are the incarnation of evil" when I reached the voice I see a person that looked like a tree? then I saw his arm getting bigger and bigger with trees. He then shouted "CANYON CANON" then kicked a bigger person I watched intrigued. "Piece of cake for the next hottest hero, hi there there everyone I'm Mount Lady!" The large lady said to the smaller people and winking, and showing her backside it made my face heat up a little.

I watches as the large lady known as Mount Lady shrink down and the other 'heroes'. I see the crowd of people dispersed and a few remained. I'm still invisible corner of my eye I see a person with green bushy hair. 'Hmm green hair, that's interesting reminds me of broccoli' I thought as he was writing in a notebook. 'Hmm must like heroes' I then undid my invisibility and went back to the beach I came from. Not knowing a certain green boy saw you.


Izuku's POV

After the fight, the crowd walked off to finish with their day I stopped and took notes about the new heroes. I started mumbling about Mount Lady's quirk until the man that was next to me looked over. "Hey kid, you writing this down because you want to be a hero?" He asked. I turned to hi and smiled.

"Y-Yes! I really do!!" I said looking towards the cherry trees. Just then, I saw something appear out of no wear then disappear in the trees. I say a hint of something shiny and disappear quickly. "Did you see that ?!" I yelled pointing towards the trees. The man looked but it was already gone. "I didn't see anything kid, you best better go back to school now" he waved goodbye as I quickly put my journal into my backpack and the ran so I wouldn't be late.


Y/n's POV

I continued my journey back to the beach to change my clothes when I arrived I changed into a red tank top with a yellow v on the bottom, blue jean shorts, black tights with holes on the knee, brown combat boots, and my bracelets.

I continued my journey back to the beach to change my clothes when I arrived I changed into a red tank top with a yellow v on the bottom, blue jean shorts, black tights with holes on the knee, brown combat boots, and my bracelets

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