Ch. 2 - History Class

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We all walked to school together as we lived close enough to campus that we didn't need to drive. None of us really had any money for a car. Not that they really needed it because they could just run anywhere they needed to go and be there in minutes, but they always walked me to campus which I was very appreciative of. Our school was beautiful and with the sun going down it looked like the walls were glowing pink and orange. It was an old school built of stone. Almost if medieval blended with Gothic.

Sam and Emma went their separate ways and Kyle and I headed towards our class. We were early when we got there so there were still only a few students, and the Professor was yet to show up. So, we picked some seats around the middle and some friends started to walk in.

"Kyle, my man! What's it been like two weeks since I've seen you!" Dillan joked giving Kyle a bro hug. Dillan was the typical frat dude. Way too into sports and way too into himself.

"Two weeks too long. I can't wait for our next camping trip!" Kyle responded, letting Dillan sit next to him. Dillan was also a wolf and he'd been to our house plenty of times. Mainly for the parties we'd throw but he has thrown up in my bathroom far too many times for my liking. Though he is still my go-to teammate for beer pong so I can't hate him. He's more like an annoying brother.

"Little Nat! What's up!? Since when did you become a history major!" I rolled my eyes but laughed. 

Yet before I could respond, someone responded for me, "Bitch we have to! They're making cyber students take a history class to graduate." I looked to see Liz walking to sit next to me. I loved Liz. There were not a lot of women in cyber and Liz and I hit it off the second we met, bonding over how misogynistic the men were in our classes.

"Liz you are my prince charming." I teased causing her to chuckle

"Girl, you know I'll always sweep you off your feet," She smirked.

My heart jumped for just a second. Liz and I always jokingly flirted with each other. Well at least I always thought we were joking but I'm also an oblivious lesbian. And she was just a human, and I was immortal. So, to say the least, relationships were always complicated for me.

Hey, you look like you haven't aged a day since we met, what's your secret?

Not aging a day since we have met.

It only made me more jealous of the other supernaturals. They all got mates. I mean granted they had to wait maybe centuries to find them, but they did get them. Hybrids, on the other hand, we're not given mates. At least not to my knowledge. I mean it's hard to know much about the species that is executed before they can even take their first breath.

But, before I could spiral, my thoughts were interrupted by a loud voice behind us. "I'm just glad I'm not the only woman in this class that has to deal with these dicks," gesturing to the class of mainly men surrounding us. Liz and I laughed while Kyle and Dillan faked being offended. I liked this bitch already.

"I'm Nat and this is Liz, Kyle, and Dillan." I introduced us.

"I'm Sabrina." She confidently smiled and went to shake our hands. Kyle and Dillan both laughed a little and she glared at them, but I had to stifle a laugh myself. I mean it was ironic because we could tell she was a witch and I mean what are the chances of a witch named the same as one of the most well know witches on tv.

"I assure you I was named before her." She snapped at them, and they held up their hands in defense. Liz just looked confused, and I felt kind of bad that she wasn't in on the joke. Then I had to remind myself that I wasn't supposed to be either, so I mocked confusion and she gave me a reassuring smile and said, "Sorry, I sometimes say weird shit."

I laughed, "Don't worry about it," I gave her a charming smile.

Then her eyes lingered over my body for a second until she met my eyes again and smiled. I wasn't sure if she just checked me out or if I was just imagining things. I was about to ask her if she wanted to sit next to us when I heard the door fly open and all of the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as a shiver of fear shot down my spine.

I was frozen for a good second until I looked up still facing Sabrina and I saw her glaring with cold eyes towards the person who walked into the room. I slowly turned around trying to control my racing heart. If Sabrina, who I sensed was a moderately powerful witch, was on edge, I was scared shitless. I caught a glance at Kyle in Dillan who were lowly growling and with intense anger in their eyes. That's when I caught sight of her.

That was not a professor, that was an assassin. A very, very hot assassin. She strode into the room with an air of confidence that only centuries of fucking life could give you. And this woman fucked life.

The kind of woman who'd punch you in the face, but you'd apologize for your face hitting her fist.

I mean the woman had to be at least 6' 2" and covered in all black to her ankle high commander boots, to her tight black jeans, and all the way to her black leather jacket adorning her shoulders. I mean even her wavy hair cropped to just above her shoulders was as black as the pits of hell. Which is where she looked like she rode here from on a motorcycle made out of the screams of tiny children.

I mean I knew we were short on professors, but I didn't think that we were so short we had to hire Satan herself?

As she reached the front of the classroom, she turned her deep golden eyes to face the sea of her unknowing victims.

Out of all the species vampires were by far the most dangerous. Faster, stronger, and this magnetic-like appeal that humans had for them made them almost always get their way. Meanwhile werewolves had to form packs just to take out one lousy vampire and witches spent most of the past millennia trying not to be burned at the stake for sneezing wrong in front of the humans. The point is no one but humans were fans of the cocky pricks known as vampires.

But this woman...something was different about her. As her eyes scanned the room her crimson red lips pulled into a sinister smirk that caused me to unconsciously shutter in fear.

We are not her students we are her prey.

Her gaze then reached the supernatural section as she eyed my two growling friends and the witch that looked like she was going to pop a blood vessel from how intensely she was glaring daggers at her. But it was the look in this monsters' eyes, a sick kind of amusement at my friends' distress that deeply, deeply scared me. I was going to die in a motherfucking history class.

My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest as fear just overcame me. I need to run. I needed to get the fuck out of here. I refuse to be killed by a history teacher!

But then it was I, that was caught in the trap of her dangerous gaze. In that moment I froze in fear unable to rip my eyes from her golden orbs. It's like my brain just stopped functioning entirely. I couldn't tell you what was going through her mind, nor could I say that anything was going on in mine.

It was only out of pure survival instincts that I ripped my gaze from hers to look at my now very interesting blank piece of paper on my desk.

All you have to do is calm down and not draw attention to yourself dumbass, I berated myself as I tried to pick up my pencil with shaky hands. Fuck you stupid bitches stop shaking, I mentally scolded my hands.

Still feeling her eyes on me I glanced up to see the most devious smirk lacing her lips as her deadly gaze never shifted from mine.

Oh, fuck me.

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