"No, that was not locked before." Lydia speaks in panic.

"Forget it. We need to get Scott, Isaac, and Boyd out of here." Allison rushes after Stiles who was already moving down the hall, Venus now being able to stand by herself again. Before they could get too far though something sounds from inside the room, causing all four of them to freeze in their places.

"I'm not the only one who heard that, am I?" Lydia questions, making sure she's not hearing things again.

"It sounds like someone turned the handsaw on." Allison reveals with slight panic.

"Hand saw?!" Stiles yells incredulously, his eyes widening at the three girls in front of him.

"Screw that." Venus quickly pushes the two of them to the side before kicking her foot roughly against the door, the other three watching in amazement as it swings open.

Thank you dad!

The sight they were met with was one of true horror. There, in the middle of the room, stood Ethan gripping the handsaw, looking like he was about to push it into his stomach.

"Hey, no! Ethan, don't!" Stiles was the first to make a move, rushing into the room and attempting to pull the saw out of the boys hands.

Lydia quickly moves to the outlet to unplug the saw before either of the got hurt, the saw falls out of both their hands and it would've cut Stiles' head off if Venus and Allison hadn't moved quickly, pulling the boy backwards.

In front of them, Ethan had flashed out his claws causing Allison and Stiles to quickly get up and stop him, the werewolf had fallen onto the space heater letting out a pained cry and looking around the room in confusion.

"What just happened?" He questioned, clearly snapping out of whatever trance he had been in and rushing out of the room when he gained no reply, the group quickly following after him with Stiles calling out to the boy.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? I don't know how I got there, or what I was doing." Ethan explains, as the girls catch up with them on the stairs, heading back down to the parking lot.

"Okay, you could be a little more helpful, you know?" Stiles exclaims exasperatedly, "We did just save your life."

"And you probably shouldn't have."

The group of four were left standing conflicted at the bottom of the stairs, trying to make sense of what just happened.

"What now?" Lydia asks from the bottom step next to Allison.

"We'll find Scott, you guys grab Isaac and Boyd." Allison plans, pointing over to Stiles and Venus. "The best thing we can do is get them out of this place." and with that she rushes back up the stairs with Lydia in tow leaving Stiles behind with the person he trusted the least at the moment.

The pair stand there for a second, Stiles watching the girl intently as she moves to make her way back up the stairs, her steps quickly halting when she realises he wasn't following.

"Why're you looking at me like that?" she questions, squinting her eyes at him. The boy quickly tries to deny it but he couldn't fool her as she raises an eyebrow in his direction tempting him to say something.

"I just don't get it. Why are you helping us?" he asks, making the girl sigh.

"Look, I get it, you don't trust me and I don't blame you. You can reprimand and interrogate me all you want in the morning but can we just get of here ple-" her sentence gets cut short by another wave of pain rushing over her, alarming the boy in front of her asking her what was happening.

"I think someone's drowning." she gasps out, standing up straighter and rushing up the stairs in a coughing fit and making her way to Isaac and Boyds room.

The duo rush into the room, making a beeline for the bathroom seeing legs poking out of it with a safe on top crushing Boyd. Stiles shoves his hands into the water as the girl behind him attempts to stop herself from feeling the choking sensation, he quickly finds the werewolf had blocked the drain with something.

They attempt to pull the safe off the boys chest but it was too heavy for the both of them and neither of them had super strength. Stiles fell backwards, letting out a pained yell as his arm comes in contact with the heater on the wall.

He lets out a pained yell before looking at the girl next to him in realisation. "Heat." he mumbles, Venus looking at him in confusion. "Ethan came out of it when he touched the heater but Boyds underwater."

"The bus!" Venus yells out. "There should be a few emergency flares, they can burn underwater! Stiles, go!"

The boy rushes off to the bus as quick as he could, leaving Venus to keep attempting to push the safe off the boys chest but reached no success before Stiles comes back, handing the flare to the brunette.

She quickly flicks it onto the cap and shoves it into the water next to the boys face with Stiles pulling her backwards as the werewolf sits up throwing the safe onto the bathroom floor where Venus had been a second ago.

A whimpering noise had sounded from the room, catching both teens attention as Boyd heaved for fresh air in the bathtub still. Stiles made his way out with the other flare in his grip, finding Isaac under the bed, he flicks it just as Vee had a few seconds ago, snapping the boy out of his daze.

"Now can we get out of here?"


VENUS 🪐 STILES STILINSKI {1} Where stories live. Discover now