"Pretty interesting conversation if I say so myself. She-Ra" I smirk at her as she turned around with a weird face. She was anger but look like she want to laugh.

"I don't know what your talking about" Adora smiled so sweet yet sickening walking away. "Hey adora, wait" I chased after. Once I caught up to her I grabbed her hand and hurled her around.

"Are you just gonna ignore me" I growled at her. "Why would you care. We're not friends Right" she shouted.

"Forget what I said earlier. I just want to know what's happening" I calmly said. I honestly didn't mean to hurt her earlier. I was just mad that she left and never talked to me again.

She didn't say anything. Her eyes weren't even focused on me.

"ADORA" I shouted. I must have scared her or something because then she did something.


She pulled the fire alarm!

I instantly pulled it again trying to turn it off but it just got louder.

"Why did you do that" I yelled over the blaring alarm. "I don't know! Why did you pull it again" she yelled. "I don't know you were freaking me out" I honestly yelled.

"Let's get out of here" I grabbed her hand and ran through the crowded hall and exited through the side door.

"We can't just skip school" she pulled me back inside. "Now that I'm think off it..... you've probably done way worse" I smiled at her earning myself an eye roll. I yanked her outside as we ran towards the Parking lot. "You have a car" she questioned me. "Not necessarily" I answer pulling her towards my motorcycle.

"You can't be serious" her eyes grew wild. "I could leave you" I suggested. "fine" she said getting on after me. "Your gonna have to take off that stupid ponytail to put this own" I joked. "It's not stupid" she mumbled.

He hair flew down to her shoulders. It was beautiful. "Better" I smiled putting on the helmet for her. "Thanks kitty cat" she dorkishly smiled. "Anything for you princess" I winked at her making her flustered.

"Wait where are we going" I asked. To be honest I had no plan. "My house" she suggested. As I pulled out hearing the fire truck approaching

The ride was pretty good. I didn't drive to fast. Sometimes I speed up to feel Adora's hands tighten around my waist as she whimpered. She pointed directions to her house as is drove.

It was a really rich neighbourhood. Fancy white house and shit. She pointed to a community parking lot for me to park at.
I parked my bike and helped her off.

"So are you rich or something" I gazed over the area. "Not necessarily. Now let's go" she grabbed my hand and ran off towards the house. We ended up on house  number 3 not to far from the lot.

I was about to walk up the porch until she stopped me. "We re going through the back" she said as I follow her. We made it to the a huge big back yard with a pool "Woah" I thought.

She walked over to a shed and climbed on top of it like it was nothing. "You do this often" I remarked. "Yes I do actually" she reached her hand out for me to take it. "Cocky" I smiled taking her hand as she helped me climb up. There was a window right infront of us and she opened it and stepped in. I followed.

The room was small but very neat. There's was a bathroom and another door to the left. She slumped on her bed as I sat on her beanbag chair.

"So what now" she sat facing me. "How about you tell me what is going on with you. I won't judge you" I sternly said.

"Promise" she lightly smiled. Promise was a very strong word between us. "Promise" I agreed.

"Come to work with me to work. I'll tell you everything" she suggested. "Yeah sure" I said.

"Ahhhhhh you'll do it! Glimmer never comes to work with me because she thinks it's 'dangerous and illegal" her face lit up.

"Well I'm not sparkles. Do you need me to pick you up " I asked. "No, no need. We can just hang out here until then" she tapped the spot next to her on the bed.

"Cool with me" I smiled sitting nexts to her.

"Pick something" she handed me the remote. I scroll through her Recently watched and see that she was watching legend of korra.

"Adora are you..." I turned towards her and sees that she sleeping. She seemed so at peace as her chest rose up and down.

I pressed play as I gently lied down next to her. Shadow weaver is going to flip one
She found out I flacked on my first day but its totally worth it. Slowly I drifted off to sleep.


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