19 - Ceremony

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The days went by slowly everyday just turned into one long day. Everything was always the same training to meeting to sleep over and over. It all seemed to be one continuous long sleepless night.

Everyone's mood was always down. Not a single laugh could be heard the total opposite actually screams were the only ones that could be heard echoing through the manor.

Lucius and De Los Reyes were still in Azkaban father wasn't planning on letting them out any time soon. They deserved their punishment. Damon and Amora have been around more training with me.

Amora had found confidence in me and told me about her and Theo and her feelings. It took me all of guard her and i were never close even when i was messing with her brother. I knew Amora didn't like this life she didn't like this side. She knew how to fake a front that she did but i wasn't fooled. She wasn't evil enough - she wasn't evil at all. Being in Slytherin people automatically see you as evil but that's not what the house is about. Amora is extremely ambitious and cunning but not dark evil.

Damon on the other hand - he's evil. He has no soul or mercy. Playing with girls mostly is his specialty- for his own good he better have not played with Pansy. He likes to have a quick fuck and leave never looking back. He is just like his scum of a father - both absolute imbeciles.

I had taught Draco occlumency and he had mastered it. He was a natural and knew how to push me out his head. Every time i try to look in his head all i saw was blank or minor memories that no one would care about.

He seemed more dole and lifeless. He knew what was coming he knew because of the git of his father his life was being sold off to the devil. Reality has seemed to hit him straight in the face once he realized that nothing good comes from being one of them. He could cast all the unforgivables expect the killing curse. He failed miserably every time he tried no matter if his mind was completely blank. I knew he couldn't do it he didn't have a killer within him.

He was still just a boy forced to be a man at 16. He was a boy that had no choice. A boy who only wanted to make his father proud but never succeeding. A boy only wanting to protect his mother.

I was the one who would be marking his life for the worst. I would be the one to make him for the rest of his life. I would give him the mark that would chase him wherever he went. The mark that every time he looked at it, it reminded him what he was. It would remind him of what he had been sold off to.

We stood at Borgin & Burkes in an empty secluded room waiting for Draco and Narcissa to arrive. Father and Leo were on opposite sides of me. The clock ringing above us let's us know that they were here. The ceremony would start.

I remember mine vividly it was a living nightmare that played on repeat. I was only 13 - only fucking 13 and having a mark that branded me to the dark side. A mark that would forget define who i was. The mark of my psychopath father.

Father- that's something he is very far away from. Fathers are supposed to protect their children away from harm and lead them to do the right things. What i had was a serial killer that ruined his kids life. Who he made to be exactly like him.

" Ah, Draco, my boy i thought you had changed your mind-but then i remembered you didn't have a choice it was either this or your lovely mother" Father taunted him. His jaw clenched slightly but kept his posture.

" Come Draco let's get you branded to the right side" Father ushered him forward.

Draco turned to Narcissa who only leaned forward and gave him a kiss on his cheek leaving a slight bring of her red expensive lipstick.

He moved forward until he was in-front of my father. Lifting his sleeve showing his bare pale forearm that in a couple of minutes would no longer be bare but have his worst nightmare on.

" Cassiopeia, go on" He pushed me forward to Draco.

I grabbed my wand and looked at him in the eyes. They were begging me not to do it. They were no longer the shiny blue eyes that i would catch looking at me across the room. They were completely draining from any happiness he once had.

" Legimens" I said in my mind looking at him. His mind was blank but his thoughts weren't.

" Cassiopeia don't do this please i know you are good please" His begs ran through my mind at the speed of light. I quickly left his mind.

Begs- i have been begged many times. I have been begged to fuck i have been begged for money. I have been begged for Mercy. His begs hit me like a million punches all thrown at me at once. His begs hit my heart making a wound letting blood leak out. He had hit my heart heart - hard. It has made me feel.

My eyes filled with pity and he noticed. I grabbed my wand and pointed it at his forearm. I looked at him once more. His face was in defeat.

I whispered the incantation into his arm. He started to wince in pain as i dug my wand deeper into his arm. The blank ink running through his forearm creating the snake. His screams where filled with pure agony.

I was the one causing that agony.

In the distance i heard cries of a woman who i knew was Narcissa. She was watching her son become what she was afraid of the day she held him in his arms.

I pulled my wand away and stepped back as he fell to the floor still gripping onto his forearm. Sweat covered his forehead and hands.

" You did the right choice Draco you will have internal glory and power. I will talk to you soon" My father disappeared in black smoke along with all the others expect Narcissa.

She had a glass in her hand drowning the liquid inside. Her makeup was destroyed. Her perfect liner was smudged down her cheek along with her mascara. Her lipstick was smudged lightly around her lip and the rest stained her glass.

She looked at her son without a single word and left to the main room leaving Draco and I. He was on the floor his back on the wall. His eyes fixed on his new mark. I stepped closer to him looking at his mark.

His body had rejected it. The outside of the mark was a bright red as his veins popped up and down rapidly as if it was trying to push out the ink. He didn't want it.

" I'm sorry" My voice barely above a whisper but it he still heard me making his head look up.

Draco Pov

She was standing above me but still keeping her distance. She thought i was scared of her but i could never. The way she looked at me while giving me the mark what something i've never seen. I've stared at her long enough to remember every speck on her face. I remember he eyes vividly the most they were always hard and cold. They never shined always staying matte.

Her eyes glistened when she looked at me. I knew she looked inside my thought i felt her hence why i told her that she was good. Her face was completely hard but her eyes told another story. Her eyes told the story of a girl who had no choice. Her eyes told me what she couldn't tell me with her words

That was enough for me.

She was enough for me

I knew the Cassiopeia in front of me wasn't the real her, the real her was just trapped but needed someone to help her escape.

Cassiopeia Pov

He didn't say anything his eyes scanned me from head to toe. His mind looked like it was racing at a million miles per hour.

He got up slowly and walked over to me. His hands were shaking slightly. He took a couple steps to me until he was in front of me. His hand slowly made its way to my cheek. His thump swiped across it thats when i notice the wetness on my cheek.

I was horrified how was that possible. I never cried not even for Violet why did i now.

I got out his grip and stepped back. He had a confused looked on his face.

I turned around and left the shop.

I left like i always do

I sent a request invite to ao3 so as soon as they respond back i'll post this story on there in case anything happens. I also have all of my chapters back up on my notes and doc. I don't necessarily have 'mature' themes in this story yet but yk it's good to take precautions

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