Part 3

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The next day was Bettys first day of school, hopefully it went well. She woke up in that creepy house, the one she will call home some day. She had breakfast and went to school by car with her cousin Cheryl who was actually a good person but didn't seem like it. They got to school and everyone looked at them when they passed walking the entrance doors. Betty for a moment question it to herself, but then she realised, she was with the bitch of school, she was with one of the most popular girls.

That day was all weird. Everyone was gossiping about all the crimes in town, which Betty didn't know about and was confused as fuck. She was late to English class and when she got there everyone was looking at her,  more of a staring thing, which was rude. She entered to the class and sat in the only place free, it was next to a weird guy who looked low-key hot for Betty. He was wearing all grey and black and also a crown beanie, that looked good on him. He looked at her and smiled. It was a sweet smile, only Veronica had done that just after meeting her. They continued doing class things until the lesson was over. The weird guy approached Betty. ?-"hi, I'm Jughead. It was nice meeting you."  Betty turned around to look at him and smiled just after seeing who it was. B-"it was nice meeting you too. And I'm Betty, Betty Cooper" he nodded, and tried to say something, just couldn't, so he looked down to his shoes. Jughead was kind of shy and Betty intimidated him. Betty started talking making a fine conversation. B-"what class do you have next?" He looked up at her and smiled thanking she continued the conversation. J-"I have a free period, so I might go to the blue and gold" Betty looked at him confused and turn her head to the left side trying to make him understand that she was new here, and it worked. J-"oh yeah, I'm sorry you are new here. The blue and gold is the school newspaper. I'm the only one there so I have a lot of work." She was enjoying the conversation and she was also interested in the subject, maybe she wanted to join with him. B-"what do I have to do to join? I'm not good at English but I'm good at investigating and I normally have good ideas" he put a strange look, no one wanted to join, it has always been him, all alone. J-"you have to talk to the principal, but I'm sure he'll let you join, as I said, I'm the only here" she smiled and said goodbye to walk away.

It was her free period too so she went to the principals office and asked if she could join the newspaper. The principal just said "you will have to ask the only person there, it's up to him, I don't care", what a principal, he cares so much about his school, Betty thought to herself. She was happy because she could probably join, that jug-head boy that she met was nice to her and they would be very good friends.

It was lunch time. Everyone was at the same place. It was time for Betty to make friends. When she entered she saw some clear groups: football team and cheerleaders her cousin Cheryl was there, so not that group for her. There was also the nerds, not for her. And a few little groups or just people alone. She noticed Jughead from the distance, he was all alone eating his lunch. She decided to go there. While walking someone shouted Bettys name. ?-"BETTY!!!" Betty turned around just after hearing her name. Veronica, the nice girl from the flight was calling her. Betty walked to her and her group and smiled. There was some people sitting with her. Veronica introduced them to Betty. There was Kevin, Fangs, Sweet Pea, a guy called Archie that didn't stop looking at Betty, Josie and Reggie. They were all so nice and they talked about some weird things happening in town which Betty didn't understand. But she still had in her head the beanie boy, why was he so lonely and nice at the same time.

( Hope you like this :) love y'all and stay save pls 🥺)

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