Chapter 5 (Weekend)

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It was a wonderful morning, the birds were singing, the air was crisp and fresh, Mitsou and Kusinda had already left for work, leaving Umemoto, Kohana, and Satoshi to take care of the house and their younger sister, Sumire. 

Meanwhile, Sumire was laying all cozy in her futon, sound asleep. "Whoosh!" She drowsily exclaimed in her sleep. Two figures towered over Sumire's sleeping figure, one of the figures got closer as it picked up Sumire's snoozed alarm clock. It re-winded the alarm clock and placed it next to her ear. 

Sumire was jolted awake by the sound of the loud ringing of the alarm clock. "HUH?! NA-NANI?!" Sumire's voice lowered to an alto voice as she said that. "ALL RIGHT! RISE AND SHINE, SUM-SUM!" Umemoto yelled, Satoshi laughed at his drowsy sister. "WHY THE HELL WERE YOU YELLING "WHOOSH" IN YOUR SLEEP!?" Satoshi laughed, Sumire groaned. "Did I?" She questioned, Satoshi lowered himself so his face would be facing his sister's. "Sumire... Are you..." Sumire felt like she was in trouble, she didn't wanna have to deal with her own faults early in the morning. "Are you... Drooling?" Sumire snapped out of her wondering daze of what she did wrong and ran her hand under her chin to wipe off her drool. "Eugh! What the hell were you dreaming of? Sakura raindrop cakes accompanied with a Sakura parfait?!" The sound of those Sakura snacks made her mouth water even more. "That would sound great... Anyway, I was dreaming of kicking down trees." 

Sumire got off her futon and walked out of her room, her cousin and brother followed after. Sumire spotted Kohana in the living room, preparing small gifts for sick children in the Children's Hospital, one of Kohana's snakes seemed to be helping her out. "Morning, Aniwei." Kohana stopped packing up the last gift and turned to her sister. "Good morning, dear." She smiled. Kohana's snake slithered onto her arm and bowed its head to Sumire. "H-hey, Aniwei, what's Saburomaru saying?" 

"He said 'Good morning, Miss Sumire'." 

Sumire smiled, she was fascinated with her older sister's quirk, Kohana was always so insecure about her quirk, students at her school often called her gross or disgusting for having multiple snakes around with her. "Saburomaru is so polite, Aniwei!" Kohana smiled. "Indeed, he is."


Shit! Sumire ran back upstairs and changed her clothing, she took her borrowed book, wallet, and charged phone, shoved all of those into her sling bag, and left the house.

"Oh my, she's in such a rush, isn't she?" Saburomaru hissed.


Sumire entered the library with the book in her hand. "Excuse me," She panted, the librarian looked up and smiled. "Welcome back, Furuya-chan. Returning The Tale of Genji, I see." Sumire nodded her head vigorously, she bowed and held the book out. "I'm so sorry that I'm late!" The librarian let out a small laugh and patted her head. "You're not late, dear." Sumire's head cocked up. "No?"

"No, dear."

"O-oh my, I am so sorry." Sumire giggled. "Oh, they delivered some new novels earlier this week, I suggest you go check them out." Sumire's face lit up, she thanked the librarian and gave the borrowed book back. She walked to the novel section of the library and started strolling past the shelves of books till she found one that she knew wasn't there before. Sumire picked up the unfamiliar book. "Nihon Shoki..." She read the cover, the book seemed interesting. Sumire happily walked out of the section with the book in her arms. 

As she walked towards the librarian desk she saw a certain classmate of hers from UA. "Isn't that Todoroki-Kun?" Sumire squinted her eyes to get a better look and was certain that it was Todoroki. Todoroki took his book from the librarian and thanked him. Sumire instantly rushed for the librarian to register her book, and once he registered it Sumire dashed out of the library and ran after Todoroki. 

"Heya! Todoroki-Kun!" Sumire yelled.

Todoroki ignored her callings. "Yoo! Do you wanna go get something to eat?!" Todoroki kept walking like she wasn't there. "HELLO?!" Sumire yelled, Sumire yelling caught random by passer's attention, yet it didn't even make Todoroki flinch. Sumire was about to run and jump him to catch his attention but was interrupted by a friend from UA. "Furuya-chan!" Sumire turned around and saw Uraraka running towards her with a big smile. "Uraraka-chan!" Sumire hugged her friend, completely forgetting about Todoroki. 

Sumire and Ochako started chatting about 'Normal School Stuff' you see, the school sports festival was coming up, it was the main topic in school, even Umemoto and Satoshi wouldn't stop feeding Sumire her dose of protein. Mid conversation, Ochaco's stomach growled. "H-heh? What was-?"  

"That wasn't me!"

Ochacko's stomach growled once again, Ochacko's pink cheeks turned red out of embarrassment. "Hey, how bout we go to a café?" Sumire suggested. "B-but, I don't have any money." Ochacko said. "I'll pay!" Sumire smiled.

Ochacko felt guilty for allowing Sumire to burden herself with feeding a starving Ochacko. "My friend and I used to go here during middle school, but when he ended our friendship we stopped going here." Ochako got curious. "Y-your friend?"

"Yeah! He's in UA too! Though, he's in the support course. He's planning on-"

"Wait! Is he the guy with purple hair that confronted us last time?" Ochako questioned.

"Indeed, my friend. His name is Hitoshi Shinso, now, he may look intimidating, but he's a big softie! -Ah! We're here!" Sumire took Ochako's hand and lead her in the café. "Welcome-! Oh, Fumire-chan? It's been so long since you and  Shinshi-Kun came here!" The young waitress from behind the counter exclaimed. 

"Fumire? Shinshi?" Ochako questioned.

"Oh, right! Ukano-chan, meet my friend from UA, Ochako Uraraka. Uraraka-chan, meet Kihono Ukako. She's only a few years older than us," Sumire smiled.

"Great to meet you, Uraraka-chan. Would you like a nickname as our customer and friend here?"


"Uh-huh! Here in this café they mix a customer's last and first names to make it more fun!"

Ochako thought the idea was cute, she nodded happily. "Is Urachako okay with you?" Kihono asked. "It's adorable!" Ochako beamed, Kihono and Sumire were glad that Ochaco loved her nickname. "Please, take a seat. I'll be there to take your order soon." Sumire lead Ochako outside to the outdoor tables, she lead Ochako to a bridge, below the bridge was a small koi river. "Hitoshi and I used to come over here and feed the koi fish with the leftover rice we had while we waited for Ukano."

Just then a blonde male spoke up from the table behind them. "Oh mon, I guess I'm not alone!" Sumire and Ochako looked at the table behind them and saw another friend from school, Yuga Aoyama. "Aoyama-kun!" Ochako greeted. "Oh, you go here too?" Aoyama nodded as he offered  to let them sit with him.


Sumire looked at the European pastries that was set on his table. "I didn't know they served those here!" Sumire giggled. "Monami, they started serving these last year." 

"Yo! Sorry, it took me a moment back there."

Kihono walked in with a pad and pen in her hands. 

"Now, what would you like to order...?"

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