Chapter 1 (Starting at UA High)

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Mitsou burst through Sumire's door with a wide grin plastered on her face. Sumire was startled awake at the sudden entrance of her aunt. "Aunt Mitsou!" Sumire cried out, she looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table next to her bed. "It's 5 in the morning!"

"Yes, dear. Now, get up! You don't wanna be late for your first day at UA now don't you?!"

Mitsou stood in front of the door that was knocked over and smiled sheepishly. "I will fix that... Soon..." Mitsou walked out of the room, leaving Sumire in a bit of a daze. "OH! Right! I have school today!" Sumire hopped out of bed and to the bathroom.

She took her daily shower, brushed her teeth, and put on her UA uniform. Sumire looked in the mirror and fixed her mess of hair. "Today's my first day! I can't wait! I wonder if people would be nice there ... And... I wonder if Hitoshi got in too..." Sumire snapped out of her wondering trance and raced to the kitchen...

Sumire dug into her breakfast like she hasn't eaten in days, Sumire and her siblings lived with their aunts and cousin for 7 years now. "O-oi! Slow down will ya?! These arms can't flip pancakes and serve them to you at the same time, ya know!" Their cousin, Umemoto, complained. "Calm it, Ume. She's just excited for her first day in UA. Ain't that right, Sumi?" Sumire nodded her head vigorously before shoving another pancake in her mouth. "My, oh, my! Hungry, aren't you, dear?" Kohana teased as she sat down across from Satoshi.

"Geez, slow down the eating!" Umemoto sat next to Kohana and gobbled up his breakfast. "Hey, where's Aunt Kusinda?" Satoshi questioned. Umemoto shrugged and downed his glass of milk. "I'LL SEE YOU BY THE WAITING SHED!" Umemoto rushed off and out the door he went. Sumire and Satoshi finished their meals and bid Kohana goodbye. "Take care of her, Aniki!" Kohana called from the doorway. Once they were gone she walked back inside to prepare herself for school...

Umemoto, Sumire, and Satoshi walked to UA. Sumire felt her excitement rush through her entire body that she had to stop herself from running off ahead of her family. The UA building soon came into sight, Sumire's eyes lit up, her excitement had her jogging in place. "This is it!" Sumire declared and ran ahead of Umemoto and Satoshi. "SUMIRE, WAIT!"


"Huh? Watch where I what-?"

Before Sumire could even process what she was even looking at she bumped into someone. "H-heh?" She questioned. Sumire looked around her and saw no one, she felt like she was feeling things physically. "Who did I bump into?" 

"Right here!"

Sumire felt someone tap her shoulder, she looked behind her and saw a floating UA uniform. "U-uh?" Umemoto smacked above Sumire's nape as he walked past. "Stupid, don't be rude!" He scolded her as an angry mother would scold her child.

"UH! SORRY!" Sumire bowed. "It's alright! I'm Hagakure, by the way! Toru Hagakure!" 

"S-Sumire Furuya." 

Umemoto and Satoshi smiled sinisterly as the girls talked. "AW! Look, Toshi! Our little baby has a friend!" The boys poked fun at an already embarrassed Sumire, luckily, Hagakure paid no mind to them since she was already distracted with her new friend. "What course are you on?" Hagakure asked. "Heroes course, and how bout you?" 

"Ooh! I'm in the hero course too!"


Satoshi and Umemoto watched with disappointment, they weren't able to humiliate Sumire like they would usually do, Satoshi was clearly putting the blame on his cousin, and Umemoto was doing the same. "Damn, better luck to us next time."


Once they got into the UA building, Sumire and Hagakure wandered away to find the 1-A classroom. "Where do we go?" "Where are we going?"

Took them 10 minutes to find the 1-A classroom, but they were able to get there before the teacher was even able to get there. Sumire walked to an empty seat in the middle row, Sumire took out one of her favorite books by Murasaki Shibuki, placed her randoseru down and read The Tale of Genji while she waited for her new teacher to walk through the classroom door and introduce themselves.

Sumire started impatiently tapping her finger on her desk, where was the teacher? She took out her pocket watch and flipped the cover to check the time. A tall man then came in along with three other students. "Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher." The man said in a bored and uninterested tone. 

"Th-this old guy...? My teacher...? What in the fu-"

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