Chapter 4 (Writing Back)

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All Might and the Pro Heroes that worked at UA appeared at the scene before a student called "Tsuyu Asui" could lose her life to a villain with a decaying quirk, most of the students were taken out from there safely, Midorya, All Might, Thirteen, and Mr. Aizawa were taken to a hospital to recover from their wounds.

A group of News Reporters surrounded most students to interview them and to look for All Might as well. "No one's gonna ask about moi?" Aoyama asked. "Huh? Ask about what?" Aoyama dramatically flipped his long blonde hair and twirled around. "Ask about where I was of course!"

"Uh, okay? Where were you?" Sumire asked, the blonde spun around and winked. "It's a secret!" Seriously? When Aoyama finally left Sumire alone, Sumire was able to text her brother about her experience with thugs for the first time. Satoshi didn't take that text lightly, his response was long, and he seemed to be worried. 

The remaining students got on the bus and got back to the school, students the students who stayed in UA were worried about class 1-A, they seemed to have read or watched the news on their phones. Sumire suddenly panicked and patted her pockets to make sure that her father's letter was still with her, she reached into her pocket and found the precious piece of paper in her pocket, Sumire sighed with relief. "SUMIRE!" Sumire was tackled in a hug by Umemoto and Satoshi, they both claimed that they were grown men when they cry like a toddler throwing a tantrum.  "Calm down, I'm fine." Sumire pushed her cousin and brother away. "But you were had to face a bunch of thugs all on your own!" Umemoto wiped the mucus from under his nose and got up. "Nah, I handled them. They had nothing against me." Sumire raised her fist proudly. "Really? A bunch of grown dudes, you handled? Heck, you can't even go to the bathroom by yourself in the middle of the night, you can't sleep in the dark either-" Sumire covered Umemoto's mouth before he could even finish throwing disses at her fears she kept at home. "Shhh! Someone will hear!" Umemoto took Sumire's hand from his mouth. "Don't worry! I was just kiddin'!" Umemoto laughed. Satoshi seemed to be pre-occupied with his phone. "Yo, we gotta bounce! Tamaki needs our help." Satoshi pointed his thumb to the front of the school.

"What? Damn, do we gotta?"


"Well, I'll see ya, ya little piece of shi-"


Satoshi glared at Umemoto, Ume waved his hand and jumped on Satoshi's back. "Up! Up! And away!" Umemoto exclaimed.

"And you claim to be a grown man. Ah, anyway, see ya, Sumi." 

Sumire took the train home, during the ride home she re-read her father's letter over and over again, she wondered what Asuma meant by 'Once I get out of this place' it was a bit suspicious, however, Sumire was just hoping that her father would get out of where ever he was soon. She wanted to see him.

Once Sumire had arrived home she sat down on her desk and wrote back to her father, she missed him. She always longed for the day she'd see him, or when he'd at least give them a clue of where he was, sure, Sumire was angry at their father for leaving them for the first few days he left, but then she started to miss him a lot.

"Sumi, dinner time!" Kohana called from the kitchen.

Sumire responded back with a "I'll be there!" As she peacefully wrote down what she desired to tell her father, she wrote down of how much she wished that he had been there for them all these years. 

Sumire had finally finished her two page letter, yet she still felt that something was missing. Sumire scanned around her room. Her idea clicked when her eyes landed on her corkboard, she took down one of the photos and shoved it into the envelope.

"Wait, how do I send this to him? I don't even... Damn... I'm just gonna worry bout this tomorrow... I'm a bit tired..."

Sumire soon drifted off to sleep out of exhaustion, she could worry about sending the letter tomorrow, all she wanted to do now was sleep...

Kusinda just happened to be passing by Sumire's room, she was just doing her usual nighttime chores when she stumbled upon the small open crack of Sumire's bedroom door. "Oh, she might want this closed... Or I'll ask her first. Sumire, dear," Kusinda knocked on the slightly opened door once and pushed the door open. "Sumi- Oh." Kusinda saw Sumire's sleeping figure slumped over her desk. Being the gentle and patient aunt that she was, she gently picked Sumire from off her desk chair and gently transferred her youngest niece to her warm bed. Kusinda pulled a blanket over Sumire. Once she tucked Sumire in bed, she walked back to the desk to push her desk chair into the desk. Kusinda noticed the letter on the desk, she smiled softly. 

"Well, I guess she isn't mad at him..."

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