Winter Break

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"Isn't there ice on the moon?" Star asks me as we untie our skates.

"Mm hm," I say. "But gravity isn't as strong as it is down here, so we can't really skate on it."

Sky bangs the heel of her skate on the pavement, knocking shimmery ice off the blade. "You'll get the hang of it."

"Well, thanks for at least trying to teach me, guys," I say.

We find Gossamer and Pearl sitting at one of the tables set up around the rink, hidden among lots and lots of bustling people in a rainbow of warm coats.

"Your drinks are getting cold," Gossamer says, handing us paper cups. The warmth that I'd hoped would help thaw my numbing fingers doesn't come when I take mine. Star and Sky both take sips only to pull back with grimaces.

"Yeah, this is basically chocolate milk," Sky says.

Star giggles. "I guess we were out there a bit too long." She starts standing up. "Here, why don't I-"

"I can get us some new ones!" I say.

"Oh, you don't have to do that, Crescent," she says, patting me on the shoulder.

"No, really, I can! See?" I stand up and only stumble a little this time. "I'll be fine!"

She sits back down. "Okay, then."

Now that I'm looking, the nearest hot chocolate stand is a lot farther away than I'd been imagining. It wouldn't have been very far for Star, but for someone who had to go through months of training just to learn how to walk on this planet it's a bit more of a challenge. But that's no reason not to try!

Heel-toe heel-toe heel-toe- toe toe toe! I'm only an inch away from bumping into a fairy family but dodge them just in time. Heel-toe heel-toe- heel-heel toe-heel toe-heel toe-heel... I'm almost there!

"Oof!" I've bumped into someone! "I'm so sorry!" I tell her. She's bundled up to her eyes in red and black. "I- I'm still getting used to moving around down he-"

"It's fine," she says, brushing past me. But just before she and the pink-haired girl she's with leave, I catch a glimpse of their eyes, blood red against their pale skin. My heart skips a beat. But all they do is grab a couple hot chocolates and disappear into the crowd.

My breath quickens. What does this mean? Are we in trouble? Are they from the Band of Darkness? Should I tell someone? I think back to the raids that have happened this year alone. They usually happen while we're in class, but sometimes I catch glimpses of the destruction outside the classroom windows. When they happen on the weekends we'll be escorted into the palace and put on lockdown. Not to mention three of my band members have been attacked by them! Star and Gossamer have to hold each other when they catch word of another raid. Sky can keep a tough face but I see her shaking when it happens, too.

But... these vampires weren't doing anything, though. They just took some free drinks and left. Left to do what? I don't know. Drink them, I guess. One of the drinks I'm getting is for a vampire. Maybe they just want a hot chocolate on a cold day like she does. Maybe they aren't with the Band of Darkness like she isn't.

Oh, there's a crowd forming around me! I pick up five cups (it's a little complicated but I'll manage) and decide that if the alarm doesn't sound then we'll be fine.

Star has been inviting us to weekend spa days in her room ever since that one spa didn't let Sky in. I think the DIY face masks we're making are a lot more fun anyway. Today we're sitting in front of her fireplace in our robes taking turns smearing fruity-smelling slimes on each other's faces. Star doesn't like when I call them slimes but they sure feel that way to me. I think it makes them more fun!

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