"Oh" this entire time, he had not taken the book down. He talked to me out of politeness and nothing else. I was his wife, in papers so it would had been cruel to not talk to me at all. 

I finished dinner and took the plates for wash. How was it that I complimented him when he cooked but he never did it to me? Was I a bad cook? He did say thank you once in a while but sometimes, it helped encouraging your partner. However, I was happy that he did not complain.

I was also proud to have some information about this man.

Things he liked- sweets, dancing.

Things he disliked? His hobbies? Dreams? I lacked information for those. If someone asked him about me, I was confident that he would list down a few things he observed. Maybe he could write down a few pages. After all, he was a skilled shinobi. I would not be surprised if he had intel on me. I looked back at the spot where he was but it was empty. The chair was fixed, the table was spotless. When did he clean it? My eyes scurried to the living room and I saw him curling inside a blanket with the book in his hand. Tonight was far too tense and for some reason, he seemed more uncomfortable. The distance between us seemed too much and not being able to lighten the mood, I walked outside our house. Fresh air always did magic. The garden seemed too much of a work so I sat outside, watching the stars twinkle. One, two and three- there were so many but I could never count them all.

"The place were destinies are written"

"Soothing words" I looked behind and saw Kakashi watching the stars. His feet hunched up a little as he sat behind me. His hands resting on top of his knees. When did he follow me outside?

"I thought you were sleepy"

"Too many thoughts"

"One has to guess" I mused and rested my body against the soft grass. My eyes looking at the constellations. I felt the air warm around me, as Kakashi lied beside resting his head on his arm. For minutes, we were quietly looking at the stars. Our breathing synched and our bodies not too close but not yet far.

"Haven't asked me about the test"

"I did not want to ask unnecessary questions"

"What is necessary and unnecessary to you?"

"What are they to you?"

"Ho?" he turned his head towards me, "I will not know which is which unless you ask"

"You really have a way with words"

"Charming, right?"


"Most women will disagree," he teased, "they say I am the charmer"

"Ask them to spend two months with you; they will get irritated as well"

"But I don't want to irritate the women in Konoha; I just want to irritate you"

"See this is what is irritating" I huffed.

"What is?"

"Sometimes you are friendly, then you are being flirty and the next moment you are robotic"

"Which one am I now?"

"A headache... sorry, I have been inside the house almost all day" he chuckled.

"I guess you are getting bored staying home"

"My mood is sour because of it"

"I know I might be rubbing it on you but I had a wonderful day, though"

"Failed another group?" I looked at him from the corner of my eyes.

"Nope. They passed" I pushed myself forward with the elbows. His face was relaxed and the mask was pasted against him like second skin. This man really was handsome; I could notice it finely from up close. That chiseled jawline, hardened chest and broad shoulders stirred a tingling sensation in me. How was he single? He should have had lines of women ready to be his girlfriend or just bed buddies. He should had had affairs all around and yet, here he was with me. He was tall as well, such a gorgeous physique. I teared my eyes away from his body and up at the sky once more. I could say, maybe, in some ways- however tiny- I found him admirably attractive.

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