mad explore

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at the middle of the night julie woke up hearing voices from outside , she walked out to see the last ghost she wanted to see ' SELENA 'julie rolled her eyes and saw selena walking to ray's tent , julie saw that she had a paper bag , she saw her pouring some powder on ray and rose , julie gasped but not loud for selena to hear , then selena walked to carlos and alex's tent and putted the same powder on him , julie was confused , then she went to reggie and flynn's and did the same , then she poofed out , julie didn't actually know what to do so she went to her tent and laid near to luke , and drifted back to sleep , next day she woke up by everyone calling her name , she walked out and saw everyone angry itching " what happened here ?" she asked , luke was mad at her too " don't act like u don't know " flynn yelled while scratching her hands and face " why did u do this to us " ray asked mad , " they told me you play pranks on them at camps  but i didn't know that You might go down to this level" luke yelled julie was confused " i didn't do that " julie yelled " yes u did " flynn said " this bracelet is yours " flyn said throwing the bracelet on julie's face " and this one too " carlos said , then her dad threw her the necklace that luke gave her , her eyes widened she never took it off , she touched her neck to see that this is it , " i i didn't do that , i i don't have a any thing t that'd c cause y you g guys t to get i i itchy " julie said in a verge of crying ,they all groaned , julie looked at luke but he was mad at her 

, she shook her head and ran to the woods , then she found herself near to the treehouse , near to Martha , she sat near to the tree and started crying and sobbing " why is this happening to me martha ?" julie asked hitting her forehead on the tree lightly non-stop " why is everyone leaving me alone ?" julie said " why did they yell at me ?i didn't do anything Martha " julie said crying , her forehead is bleeding now , julie stood up and erased her tears and climbed the tree , she didn't got into the house , she just sat on a branch watching the birds having fun , after few mins she heard someone yelling her name out " LEAVE ME ALONE , I DON'T NEED ANYONE " julie yelled she looked down to luke and the guys behind him " did u find her ?" ray asked " no but i heard her " luke said , " JULIE MIJA PLEASE CO-" " NO JUST LEAVE I WON'T COME BACK I PREFER TO DIE THAN COME BACK , U DONT TRUST ME AM A TRASH TO U " she yelled from above them , she continued looking at the birds " BABE PLEASE NO NE SAID THAT " luke yelled " IN UR DREAMS AND I SAW IT , WHEN U DIDN'T BELIEVE ME " julie yelled after that she just looked at the birds ,

 a blue bird came and sat near to julie , julie touched it and that bird liked julie , she didn't feel unbelieved anymore , that bird sat on her lap  after " hey there " she said , everyone looked around them they thought she was with them " i think i'll call u ....Mildred like it ? no ... then Samantha " the bird sat on her lap which she assumed that he liked the name " hey sammy " julie said , the bird made a voice and julie smiled " u know sammy , no one believed me today , no one , even my own boyfriend that i slept with the whole night without waking up didn't believe me , now im emotionally hurt ya know ?" julie said , she patted the bird's back " but that girl Selena , well ..... she she's the reason for everything happens to me "julie said crying , and everyone down was shocked " she tried to kill me , SHE FUCKIN' TRIED TO KILL ME , for who FOR LUKE , MY FUCKIN' BOYFRIEND , "julie yelled crying , everyone was shocked even luke " u know we came to buld the house me and luke , she came and tried to kill me with a freakin' branch " julie said stll crying , the bird sat on her head which assumed he was calming her down " thnx Sammy , u're such a good friend other than them " julie said rolling her eyes in the last part , " am going to my tent to get my things , i wanna be away from them , wanna come ?" the bird sat on julie's shoulder which made julie giggle , she started to climb down the tree and saw them standing there , she rolled her eyes and tried to walk past them but theyall hugged her , the bird was flying, julie pulled out of the hug and walked to her tent , she changed into something comfy took her bag and left , but was stopped by luke , "julie please everyone says they're sorry why are u mad ?" he asked " why am i mad ? because it's the first time someone yells at me , and i don't like anyone to yell at me , i feel weak , i feel no one trusts me , even u , they said sorry u didn't " julie pushed him out of the way and continued walking .luke decided to follow her to check on her .

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