Telling Tom (part 24)

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You woke up pretty early today, so you went down stairs to make breakfast, before you and y/f/n have to go to the airport to pick up Tom and Louis.

You text y/f/n asking her what time we need to leave by.


Hey, what time do
We have to pick up
y/f/n🤍. Tom and Louis?x
Around about 11:35am x

Okay thanks x

How are you today?
Are you okay?x
I'm okay just a bit
nervous to tell Tom x
Ow,it's going to be
Fine x

I know, I have to get
ready so text me when
you need me to pick
you up x

Okay see you in a bit x

You get ready to pick up Tom and Louis, but before you do you have to pick up y/f/n. She texts you at 10:20am.


Hey, I'm ready,
you can pick me
Up whenever😁x

Okay I'll be there
in like 10 minutes x
Seen 10:25

You go to pick up y/f/n because it takes 40 minutes to get to there and then you will have 10 minutes to wait for them.

When you get to her house you go up to ring her door bell. Y/f/n answers and hugs you and then you get into the car.

You get to the airport and you get really nervous.

You see Tom and Louis come out of the place where you come off the plane. You run over to Tom and hug him. He kisses you on the lips and you kiss him back. After you all get back to the car, you and Tom sit in the front and Louis and y/f/n sit in the back seats.

Once you drop Louis and y/f/n off at Louis house you and Tom go back to your house. You ask Tom if you could tell him something.

"Babe can you come here a minute?"

"Yeah,I will be there now" Tom shouts down from upstairs.

Tom comes down stairs and sits by you on the sofa.

"Yeah what's up?" Tom asks

"Okay, promise me that you won't be mad?" You ask nearly braking down into tears.

"Of course, what's wrong? It's okay" Tom says putting his arm around you comforting you.

"I'm pregnant... please don't be mad"you whisper.

"Wait really? Omg" Tom says.

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