The phone call (part 1)

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Y/n and her best friend y/f/n were waiting for a call of a radio show to see if they can win tickets to Tom Holland and Louis partridge's meet and great. They have been waiting for a week to get this call and today could finally be it. Y/n goes into her kitchen to make some food and y/f/n come in after her, they start to talk about how amazing it would be to actually win the tickets and if they did then they couldn't wait to meet them. Y/f/n goes to sit down and starts to read an article saying that there are only 6 tickets left to the meet and greet. Y/f/n starts to panic and tells y/n. Y/n was trying to calm y/f/n down because she has hope that the radio station will call. Suddenly y/f/n gets a call,y/n proceeds to say "y/f/n answer it! Quick, this could be our only chance" y/f/n answers the call and puts it on loud seeker so y/n could hear as well, but it was just y/f/n's dad. Just then y/n's mam Wales in through tho door and asked"what are you girls doing?" Y/n responded and said"nothing,me and y/f/n are going to my bedroom a sec" your mam answered with "okay, but what do you want for dinner?" Y/n look at y/f/n and say" McDonald's?" Y/f/n answers with "yeah sure". You and y/f/n go into your bedroom, and Waite for the phone to ring again. The phone doesn't ring for a while so you decide to put in a film(you choose Spider-Man far from home) about half an hour into the film the phone rings. Y/f/n answers and says "hello?" And then a radio host answers back and says "hello, you have been chosen to win Tom Holland and Louis partridge's meet and greet, all you have to do is answer a question, are you ready?" Y/f/n says"yes I'm ready" the host asks "what would it mean for you to meet Tom and Louis?" Y/f/n answers and says"it would mean the world to me to win the tickets because I have been a fan of Tom and Louis since they started to act and haven't stopped since, and it would be amazing" the radio host answers and says" congratulations you have just one tickets to meet Tom Holland and Louis partridge! You will be sent an email to tell you all the details and your tickets will arrive tomorrow" you start to cry and run to your mam, you hug your mam and she says "what's wrong honey?are you okay?" You answer quietly" yes,I'm the happiest I have ever been!" Your mam asked "so what's wrong, why are you crying?" You answer " we got the tickets, we can meet them" your mam pulls away from the hug and says" congratulations babe!" You run back to your bedroom and you and y/f/n start to scream in joy, and start jumping. You and y/f/n go to get McDonald's and are really excited. It's 11:00pm and y/n say "I'm going to go to sleep now, goodnight" y/f/n says "yeah same, goodnight"

Tom Holland~ love story Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu