Chapter 2

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Anya walked through town square, people bowing their heads in respect as she nodded in acknowledgment and respect. Her cloak bellowing behind her as she entered the castle. "Father." She curtsied and bowed her head. "I fear the plague has worsened. The messenger had perished on the way... I fear I must go myself." She said, looking up to see fear in his eye. "No. We must send another messenger-" he stood up and walked towards his daughter.
"Father! Enough is enough. Мама is dying and you refuse to do anything but to send men to their death! I am to go there in a month anyways. Why not save time and just let me go! I can help mum! We no longer have any physicians because they all died!" She snapped, trying to reason with him. He looked at his daughter, and sighed, sitting down on the step in-front of her. "Alright, but if I do not hear from you or Arthur in a month I'm declaring war." He said, glaring at her. She widened her eyes and nodded, leaving the room and heading off to her room. She found her bag and began to pack.

She packed her dresses and uniforms as well as a drawing of her mother she made when she was younger. She decided to leave that day to give herself just enough time to get to Berviri and sent word home. She headed to the stable and fixed the saddle and bags on her white, Orlov Trotter. (fast Russian horse). She patted him and hopped into the saddle.

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