'Containment breach repaired. Further breaches detected: 10'

I dove into the water, scanning the columns up and down while swimming around it. I saw some bright sparks flickering off from the lower part of the huge column and swam down. I got to work on one of the breaches while keeping my eyes peeled for any of the bleeders swimming around freely.

'Drive core breach sealed. Radiation levels decreasing.'

I let out a sigh of relief as we finished the repairs on the Drive Core.

"Thank god, that's over. Let's get out of this room and press on. We still got a bit more to explore before we can leave." I stated as I swam over to the platform, grabbing onto Hange's hand as she pulled me onto it.

"I don't want to have to make a return trip back here. And I'm sure neither do both of you." I added, silently thanking Hange for the help as Levi waited for us with his arms crossed.

Heading back into the hallway, I walked back into the water with Levi and Hange both following suit. We swam back into the hall, taking a sharp turn towards a door to our right that leads into the Locker Rooms. As we swam closer, I noticed how dented and broken the door looked and realized I would need to cut through it. I pulled out my laser cutter and leaned back a bit.

"Don't get too close," I warned and started cutting through the metal door, slowly creating a hole in the door big enough for us to pass through. Once the door was cut open, we resurfaced to reclaim some of our lost oxygen. "Alright, keep your eyes peeled for anything useful in here. Just remember to be mindful of your oxygen, alright?" I inquired, waiting for a reply.

They both nodded in reply and we then dove back under the surface, swimming around the room. A light blue glow took my attention and I swam over to it. I realized it to be a PDA and picked it up, reading over it while Hange and Levi searched elsewhere in the room. "Aurora Auxiliary Mission Orders... What?" I mumbled, shaking my head, and downloaded the data onto my own, making a mental note to read it later when we get back to base.

Levi's staticky voice then came through the speaker, grabbing my attention. "Hey, brat. I found a med-kit and another one of those PDAs..." He said nonchalantly.

I swam over to him and took it from his hands before reading the title. "Sweet Offer." I downloaded the data onto my PDA as well and skimmed over the text. "Ah! The code for Cabin 1. The code is... 1869." I spoke, putting my PDA away just as Hange swam over to us with a battery and a water bottle in her hands. "Was that everything?" I asked.

Hange nodded, placing the items in her own inventory. "Yep! That was all I could find. Should we keep moving?" She questioned, to which I nodded.

"Yeah. we should be just about done with our search here. So let's get going." The three of us swam over to the door leading us upwards and saw two more supply boxes. I opened the first one and pulled out another battery, placing it into my inventory. Hange swam past and opened the other, pulling out another battery. We swam the rest of the way until we were back on solid ground. Another door blocked our path to which Levi mentioned that his fire extinguisher stopped working as he dropped it onto the ground.

"The P.R.A.W.N. Bay..." I mumbled, staring at the door for a moment before rubbing my forehead from those thoughts, and started putting out the fire that blocked the panel to fix the door. Once the door was fixed, I opened it and was greeted with the destroyed sight of the Bay.

"Oh my god..." I whispered, lifting my hand up to my mouth as my eyes took in the sight. My eyes teared up as I vividly remembered the heart-wrenching events that took place over a month ago.

It felt like yesterday. The blaring alarms. The screams of my crewmates. The blood of those who got crushed by their own Seamoths and Prawnsuits. Those that got trampled to death. A shudder wracked through my body as I remembered my best friend getting trampled.


I could hear the voice so clearly as it faded away with an explosion.

"Wait! What about-" I didn't get to finish what I was saying because Sam cut me off.

"Nevermind that! Let's just get to a lifepod!!" Sam shouted over the screams of the other people.'

"-/n)-... (F/n)... (F/N)!" I immediately snapped out of my trance by the sound of Levi yelling my name and snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Hey, brat! You with us?" I looked at him with wide, almost confused, teary doe-like eyes. Hange looked over Levi's shoulder with obvious concern written on her face. I felt water dripping off my cheeks and realized I had started crying. Quickly bringing my hands up to my face, I wiped the tears off as I turned away from them, mumbling back a response.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm with you..."

(Haaaiiii! We're on time!!! Yessss. Ghastly helped me again with the chapter and did a very good job writing it. Of course, there was a lot I wanted to change and fix so that it wouldn't take away from the quality of the chapter! I honestly can't wait for you all to read the next chapter! Hohohooooo I hope you guys won't be too upset by the cliffhanger JSHSHSH WELL UNTIL NEXT TIME, BAI LOL)

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