The fox and the Wolf

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"Peter!" Maddie called as she walked into Derek's loft which had really turned into the Hale loft

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"Peter!" Maddie called as she walked into Derek's loft which had really turned into the Hale loft.

Maddie looked around when she got no reply, "Really? You ask me to come here and you're not even here." Maddie quietly chuckled when she sensed Peter behind her and she quickly dropped to the floor and Peter went flying over her.

"What the hell is this?" Maddie asked

Peter stood up and said, "I want to see how quickly you're getting weak."

"And you what, test this by charging me?" Maddie asked

Peter shook his head, "No, I want you to get angry, let your wolf side out and fight me."

Maddie gave Peter a look as she said, "You want to get angry Peter? Fine Let's get angry!"

Maddie then flashed her eyes, released her claws and growled at Peter

But before either of them could do anything Maddie stumbled back and hit the wall that was behind her. Peter ran over to her

"That's was quicker than I thought." Peter said as he walked Maddie over to the couch and sat her down, "You okay?"

Maddie shook her head, "Nope, these Oni are nothing but trouble first they stab my dad." Maddie chuckled, "And you know the funny thing is I told him that I was trying to figure out who was worse him or you.... and you're a psychopath."

"Not a psychopath, kind of." Peter said

Maddie shook her head and said, "I am actually trying to figure it out, he left me and Scott when we were ten, came back years later, got angry and blurted out I was adopted then took me from Beacon Hills, sent me back a few months later because he couldn't handle me because I was making his life a living hell, he's now back and he's tried to got Stiles's dad fired and basically he's an all out dick."

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