You Forgot Something

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Prompt for this chapter given to me from

"Babe, I'll be back by 5 to help with dinner," Chad says as he throws random shoes and socks into his training bag. Training starts in 20 minutes and he's running late. We won't mention why he was able to sleep through his alarm, but you can probably guess.

As Chad power-walks to the door, trying not to drop anything, Ryan comes forward.

"I think you've forgotten something," he says, the hint of a smile on his lips.

"Gosh, I'm sorry." Chad leans forward, kissing Ryan. It was meant to be a quick kiss, but Ryan tasted like chocolate waffles so this wasn't going to end soon. After what felt like forever, they broke apart and Ryan's smile grew bigger.

"Honey, I actually meant these." He holds out Chad's house keys and wallet. "But that was nice too."

"Oh, thanks," Chad says blushing slightly.

"Come on!" Ryan ushered. "You're going to be late!"

"Blow them away at your audition," he calls from down the hall.

"Will do!"


Aye. I updated. Updates are not regular, I just publish when I get an idea so it's pretty inconsistent. Thank you for all the votes.

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