The Little Box

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~After High School~

Ryan loves Christmas. He always has such beautiful memories surrounding the holiday season.

It was their first Christmas in their own apartment, him and Chad. They'd been together nearly six years. He was a bit sad to not be spending Christmas with his family, but he had Chad. And their hamster, Reginald.

They had decorated the entire apartment. The entire thing, even the closets had tinsel draped across the coat hangers.

Ryan was lying awake in bed at 3:35am. Wait, no. 3:36am. He couldn't fall back asleep. He doesn't know what woke him up, but he's awake.

Letting his mind wander, he thought about what he'd cook for Christmas breakfast — pancakes or omelet?  He thought about his outfit for the day — definitely the Christmas sweater, but it's too ugly to be worn out if the apartment.

Ryan could feel Chad next to him, breathing evenly. Oh, how much he loved him. He knew this is the man that he'd marry, if he just had the guts to ask him.

One day, Ryan promised.

At about 8am,  had began to wake up.

"Hey," he whispered, groggily looking at Ryan. "How did you sleep?"


"Aw, I'm sorry, but at least it's Christmas."


Ryan jumped out of bed and ran down the hall, as excited as a child on Christmas.

When he reached the living room, he stopped short. There was only one tiny little box under the tree.

"I swear there were more presents there last night," he says.

"Maybe. Are you going to open it? It's from me."

"Where'd all the others go?"

"They were just fakes, just please open the present."

"Very rude. Getting my hopes up like that."

"I swear it's worth it, just open the present."

They both sat down on the sofa.

"I must congratulate your wrapping skills, love. They're getting better," Ryan says.

"I know."

Chad held is breath in anticipation. Why?

Ryan had pulled off all the wrapping, to find a little velvet box. Opening it up, he found a ring inside. An-

"Its an engagement ring," Chad says softly.


"Ryan Evans. You are the most incredible person I have ever met. Your confidence, your good heart, your smile. They make me fall in love with you all over again. When you take my hand I feel like I'm seventeen again. I love you. Will you marry me?"

"If you get down on one knee," Ryan smirked.

"Will you marry me?" Chad asked without a moment's hesitation.

"Of course."

You see, Ryan has some very happy memories surrounding Christmas.


A/N: I'm sleep deprived, running off sugar and eggnog. I wanted to write a little Christmas fluff. Not my best work, also not set in my favourite timeline, but a friend requested it.

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it.

And if you don't, enjoy your holiday season.

Stay safe 😷

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