23. Steve's POV

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She closed the bathroom door behind her. He was worried. She had lost so much already and now she lost even more. And the worst part was that he didn't know how to comfort her. How to make her feel better. He took out the phone and walked outside. He sat down in front of the motel door. He didn't want her to hear this conversation. He dialed Tony's number and waited for him to pick up. It was late but he didn't think he would be sleeping.

"Rogers?" He asked. He imagined that Tony had a frown. He was probably sitting in the living room with Pepper. He knew that this was their date night.

"Tony, I am sorry I am disturbing, but I need your help." He said and looked up at the closed door.

"Pepper give me a second," he heard Tony say as he walked into another room. "What's up Cap?" Steve took a deep breath.

"We found Sia. Or kind of. She is dead Tony. She has been dead this whole time. They never putted her in a safe house. Her father killed her. Buried her in the back garden before adopting another child, letting everyone think that she was Sia."

"Wha..." Tony began but Steve interrupted him.

"Oh, that's not all. Her mother is alive. She didn't die when [y/n] was young. She is on some mission, we don't really know what. And this is where you come in. Can you see if Friday has anything on Marie [y/l/n]? Maybe she is registered in S.W.O.R.D.S or FBI or CIA or something. Anything." Steve rested his head on his hand.

"Let me see what I can find out." Tony said with a sigh. "Pepper is not going to like me cancel another date night."

"Tell her sorry from me." Steve said, "and Tony? I could really use some good news to tell her after today."

"I will do my best. How is she?" Tony asked. Steve could hear that he was walking.

"I am not sure. I don't know what to do. She is crying, laughing, yelling, and just staring in the air." Steve looked up at the closed door, trying to hear if she were walking around on the other side, but he couldn't hear anything.

"She's in shock. Give her some time. Just let her know that you are there for her. What ever she needs." Tony said with compassion.

"Thanks Stark. Let me know what you find."

"I call you as soon as I got something." Tony hung up the phone. Steve stared at it for a while before walking inside again. The door to the bathroom was still closed and he could hear the water running. He sat down on the bed, thinking about how he could help her. What he could do to make her feel better.


[Y/n]'s POV

She was sitting on the floor inside the shower. Water was running down her body and face. She just stared out in the air. The numb feeling was back. She felt helpless. She didn't want to walk out of the shower feeling like this. She didn't want Steve to see her like this. She had a hard time processing all the information. She tried to imagine her mother as an FBI agent. That she had to leave them for their sake. That she didn't knew how their father would react.

She imagined Sia, all alone in the house with her father's abuse. She couldn't escape. She didn't get a chance to live. She died before her life began. She should never have left her alone. She should have insisted that she could come too. Or she should have made sure that she was out of the house. She shouldn't just have believed the best.

She always imagined that Sia had a great life. That she got a new, loving family. Maybe she got some new siblings? A loving mother and a protecting father. She would have her own room filled with toys. She would go to a good school. Get an education and then a good job. She would work with troubled people and kids. She would do some good in this dark world. But she didn't get the chance.

[Y/n] felt like crying, but no tears came. She had no tears left. She had been crying so much these days. She heard a knock on the door and looked up. Steve opened the door, just a little, so he couldn't see her, but she could hear him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine," was all she said while moving her eyes to the wall once again. She was hugging her knees, covering her body in her arms, resting her head on her knees. Steve didn't go inside but he didn't close the door either.

"Do you need anything?" He asked, she didn't look up.

"Just some clothes, thanks." She wished she could smile to him, but at this point she couldn't do much. She just stared at the wall. He walked inside. She could see his silhouette in the corner of her eye.

"I placed it on the toilet." She knew he couldn't see her completely. She was hiding behind the shower curtain.

"Thank you," she said. The water began to turn cold. She didn't know how long she had been sitting in here. When she couldn't take the cold anymore, she got up from the floor and turned off the water.

She looked down at her body. Her legs were shaking from the cold and the water dripped down from her hair. She got out the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. She couldn't see herself in the mirror because of the damp from the water, and she was thankful. She couldn't stand looking at herself at this point. She blamed herself for letting Sia die. She felt like it was her fault.

After a few minutes, just standing, she took on the clothes. Another black t-shirt, but this time it wasn't Natasha's. This t-shirt was way to big for her. A little smile was showing on her lips. It was late and of course she couldn't sleep in a tight shirt and jeans. She took the t-shirt up to her nose. It smelt like him. She took it on. It went all the way down to the middle of her thigh. She dried her hair with the towel before leaving the bathroom.

Steve was sitting on the bed, examining the necklace. She had forgotten all about it. She should have asked Allison if she was the one leaving it there. And then it hit her. Allison said she hadn't been back since her father died. That she didn't want something to do with them.

"What are you thinking?" Steve asked when he saw her face.

"Allison told me she didn't want anything to do with my father after he died, and she found his diary. That means that she wasn't the one leaving the necklace at the grave." She sat down next to Steve and he handed her the necklace.

"You think your mother placed it there?" He asked, looking at her. She looked at the necklace before she answered.

"I think so, yes." She answered and looked him in the eye. "Which means she could be around here?" [y/n] didn't even now if she wanted to find her. Would it do any good? It wouldn't bring back Sia and it wouldn't give her back her lost childhood.

"I hate to say this [y/n], but if she left the necklace at the grave it could mean that she won't be coming back." He was right. He was being realistic. Why else would she leave the necklace there?

"I guess." She hesitated. "What did Tony say?"

"He would look into it and call back when he got something." Steve took the necklace and placed it on the night table. "You might want to try and get some sleep?" He asked and stroked her hair. She smiled at him.

"Yeah, I guess I should." She felt sleepy. Her body was tired. She felt like she had been awake for two whole weeks. She laid down on the bed and looked up at Steve. "Can you just hold me until I fall asleep?" She asked, feeling a little embarrassing over asking.

"Of course, babe," he smiled at her and laid down beside her. He putted his arm around her and pulled her close to him. He was stroking her arm, holding her tight. Minutes went by without them saying something. She was about to fall asleep when she heard his whispering voice against the top of her head.

"I love you."

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