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Trigger warning - burns on kids


The next morning, she woke up and took on her sports bra, ready for an early morning workout. When she had it on, she caught her reflection in the mirror. Her heart sank when she saw the many pale marks on her stomach and side. She walked closer to the mirror. Normally she would avoid seeing her own reflection when she wasn't completely covered up, so she hadn't look properly at the many scars for a while.

She ran her finger across the scars trying not to think back on how she got them, but in vain.


"[Y/n]! Get down here!" He yelled. She was crying and her sister hid under her bed. She was scared. She didn't want to leave her sister alone, but she knew that if she didn't walk down there, he would come upstairs and punish her in front of her sister. And maybe also her.

She took a deep breath and looked one last time at her sister, smiling to her, wanted to let her know she shouldn't be scared. That nothing would happen to her while she was there. Her sister was crying but she didn't say anything.

[Y/n] walked downstairs, saw him sitting on the couch with a whiskey in his hand. She could feel her heart beating faster. She stopped at the door, hoping that he just wanted her to get him a drink or something.

"My beautiful daughter." His voice was harsh and rough from all the cigarettes he had been smoking. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" He wasn't looking at her, but she knew his face was hard. She didn't say anything. Just hoping she could get away as soon as possible.

"Come here." He said, lightning up another cigarette. She hesitated but then walked over and sit next to him. The coffee table in front of them was filled with empty beer cans and filled ashtrays. She didn't say anything. Didn't look up at him.

"Didn't I tell you to clean the table?" He asked. She knew that he didn't asked her to do it, but she didn't want to say anything. "Does it look clean to you?" He yelled. She gave a little jump on the couch from the scare of him raising his voice. Her mouth turned dry and she could feel the tears forming in her eyes.

"Look at me!" He yelled and took his hand around her face, holding on too hard. She started to cry but didn't say anything. "What should I do with you? Huh?" He didn't have time to wait for an answer. He looked at his cigarette, smiling, before he moved it closer to her, pulling up her shirt. The last thing she remembered was her high scream.


She looked at her face in the mirror, seeing the tears fall down her cheeks. She hadn't thought of that memory for a long time. But she remembered it so clearly. Remembered her sisters face. She was only five years old and she had to hide beneath the bed while her big sister got punished for something, she didn't know she had to do. She was only ten years at the time, but it wasn't the first time he did that to her. And the many scars were evidence of that.

A knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts. She picked up her shirt, but the door opened before she got it on. Wanda was standing in the door frame with a big smile. A smile that quickly turned upside down when she saw the many scars and her teared-up face.

"[Y/n]!" She said and walked towards her, closing the door behind her. "Who did that to you?" She came closer, not knowing whether to hug her or leave her alone. [Y/n] put down her shirt and wiped away her last tears before trying to smile at Wanda.

"It was a long time ago." Was all she said, but her voice still cracked halfway through. Wanda looked at the scars again before laying her arms around [y/n], holding her tight, comforting her. [Y/n] hesitated before she put her own hands around Wanda, letting her hug her. She didn't want to tell Wanda the story she told Steve. And she didn't want to talk more about the scars. But Wanda didn't ask her anything else. She just held her for a while not saying anything. Stroking her hair softly.

After, what felt like forever, Wanda let go and took a step back. She looked at her but this time she wasn't looking at the scars. She was looking directly into her eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked, with caring in her voice. [Y/n] nodded, knowing her voice would betray her if she tried saying anything. She took on the shirt, covering the scars and looked at Wanda.

"Thanks," was all she said. Wanda smiled before taking her hand.

"Anytime," she said, looking down at the hands. She let go of her before walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.

[Y/n] sat down on the bed. Her eyes felt red and puffy. She looked down at her hands, seeing that they were shaking. She could feel that her heart was raising, and she found it harder to breathe. She didn't move. She just concentrated on her hands, trying to get her breathing back to normal. Once again, she thought of her sister. S.H.I.E.L.D.S said they took her to a safe family and that she couldn't contact her, for her own safety. So that their father couldn't find her. So, she could be safe.

When her breathing was nearly normal, she opened the drawer and took out her file. She opened at the first page and looked at the photo. In the middle was her mother sitting with her baby sister in her arms, wrapped in a blanket. Next to her, she saw herself, smiling and looking proud. Her sister was about six months and herself almost six years, but she loved her sister with all her heart, and she knew she would protect her from any bad thing in the world.

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