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She looked around at the people standing around her. She couldn't move. Her hands were tied to the back of the chair and Wanda kept her still with her powers.

"Are you going to untie me anytime soon?" She asked and looked around. Natasha stood in the back and Vision where next to her. Behind him was Tony and Steve. She locked her eyes on Steve, thinking he would untie her. But he didn't move. She was confused. She didn't know how she got here, and she didn't know what was going on.

"Seriously guys, what is going on?" She started to get scared. How did they get here? The last thing she remembered was talking to Loki. And then it hit her. Maybe they had tied her up because she talked with him alone when she wasn't supposed to. She was supposed to wait for the team. But nothing went wrong. Or she didn't think anything went wrong.

"[Y/n]?" Finally, Steve said something. He took a step towards her, but Tony stopped him.

"What is going on? Why am I tied up? Why aren't you letting me out of here?" She was still looking at Steve. She thought she could trust him. Maybe she couldn't?

"It could be a trick." Natasha's voice was almost inaudible, but she was looking directly at Steve. He looked at her too. [Y/n] felt like all her air had been knocked out of her. She tried to get them to look at her.

"What trick? What are you talking about?" She started to panic. It was hard for her to breathe. She wanted out. "Look I am sorry that I talked to Loki without any of you here, but nothing happened. Everything is fine?" The last was more of a question than a statement. Steve looked confused, but he was finally looking at her.

"Fine?" He asked. "[Y/n] what do you remember?" He took a step closer to her and this time nobody stopped him.

"Remember?" She asked, "all I remember is that I talked to Loki and the next thing I know I am tied up to this chair." She started to get mad now. What was going on? Why didn't they let her go?

"How do we know that's her?" Natasha moved closer towards her.

"What do you mean with that? Of course, it's me. Who else would it be?" She was confused. Why wouldn't it be her?

"Steve," Natasha's voice was low and calm. She almost sounded worried. "We have to make sure it's her. We can let her out of here yet." Steve nodded. [Y/n] was shocked. What did they say? She had to be in here? Tied up? Because a crazy theory about her not being her? This was madness.

"What do you mean make sure it's me? I am me. Steve!" She said and looked at him. Tears started to fill her eyes. "You have to believe me. You know me." She begged him to agree with her.

"I'm sorry [y/n], but we have to be certain." He didn't say anything else, just followed the rest of the team out the cell. They closed the door behind them and when it was locked the ropes untied themselves. She got up from the chair and went to the window.

"Please don't leave me in here." She begged and started crying and hitting the glass. When nobody came to get her out, she fell to the floor, hugging her legs. How did it come to this? Why did they lock her up?

"It's sucks right?" A familiar voice took her out of her thoughts. It came from the other side off the wall. She crawled towards the voice. She couldn't place it, but she knew she had heard it before. "Thinking they are on your side and then they just lock you up?" Then it hit her. Loki.

"Do you know what's going on?" She asked, hoping for an answer. But she knew she couldn't trust him.

"Well. I know some things and some things I don't." He said secretly. "Maybe we can help each other? I, for one, have to get off this planet." She could hear his smile in his voice.

"Forget it." She said and wiped her tears from her eyes. She couldn't trust him, and she didn't want to help him.

"Your loss." He saidand left her alone with the silence. She didn't move. She just sat on the floor, looking at a crack in the wall in front of her.


Author's note:
Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you've enjoyed it tho <3

Please let me know what you think! It makes my whole day to get feedback and to know that you are reading my story! <3

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