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Author's P.O.V.

Taehyun picked up Y/N from her apartment and currently he was being bombarded with questions from Y/N about Beomgyu.

"So why he didn't came today? Is he on a mission? Or did he went on a mission last night? Is he hurt?!", Y/N wasn't letting him speak.

"Stop! Let me speak, will you?", Taehyun said chuckling.

"Are you worrying for your Prince? You like him right?", Taehyun asked Y/N while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yah! Don't tease me! Answer my questions!", Y/N said getting impatient.

"okay okay... Well he didn't said anything to me leaving the taking care of you part. And if he is on a mission then after it's finished he'll call or text or even come to school.", Taehyun said.

"Oh.. So I can call him later right?", Y/N asked.

"Yeah Princess your Prince will pick it up instantly when you call.", Taehyun again started his teasing.

"There Again! you're not going to stop teasing me are you?", Y/N said scoffing.

"Nooooo~", Taehyun almost sang.

Then his eyes landed on a particular someone whom he despises.

But is it true?

Does he really despise her?

"There comes a Monkey!", Taehyun said as soon as Mina stood beside Y/N.

"Look who's talking, a DoNkEyyy", Mina said and they started fighting again.

Y/N being done with them left to attend her first class.

But unfortunately she can't concentrate on her lectures that much cause she was busy worrying about Beomgyu.

On the other hand Beomgyu's fever was getting worse.

Maybe the usual pill wasn't that effective.

He didn't even eat anything, he was passed out on his bed.

His forehead filled with sweat while low groans were escaping his lips.

Yewon was at school.

Whereas Mr. Choi was busy with his work moreover he is not likely to care about his Son.

And out of 30 days in a week, today was the day maids were given their monthly holiday.

Which leaves Beomgyu in the house alone.

*After the school*

Usually when he had missions after they are done he definitely used to drop in school only for a few minutes to see Y/N.

But today it was different he didn't came at all and when Y/N was trying to call him he didn't picked up the call.

Nor did he picked up Taehyun's call.

Currently Y/N was with Taehyun in his car driving towards her house.

"Taehyun-ah can you drop me to Beomgyu's house?", Y/N asked with a sigh.

"Sure... don't worry he must be fine. Maybe he is taking rest ....that's why he didn't picked the call... Hmm?", Taehyun said seeing the worry on Y/N's face.

"Yeah....", Y/N said, voice almost inaudible.

To be continued.....

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