Chapter Twelve - Marked

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Quick A/N - First of all I want to thank ReleisTheFirst for designing the new cover for this book. I highly recommend reading their werewolf story "The Verge of You." 

Secondly this update is early but I'm going away for a few days so early is better than late and it was written.  

So enjoy, vote and comment. As always I really appreciate the support for the story so far. 


The outside of the pack house is a mess of noise and activity. Wolves were everywhere, laughing and talking. Most were coming and go from the west of the property. I assumed that's where they were trained. Something along the lines of envy sparks in me at the sight of them. It was familiar the way they all acted with each other. Like a large extended family. The way the resistance had been for me. Until Roman had ruined it all. Anger flits through me at the thought and I find myself trudging away from the crowds. I was so tired of these feelings. I kick a rock from the gravel path I was following finding more enjoyment in the simple act than I should. I briefly allow myself to imagine what would happen if I threw one at Roman's head. That would probably wipe the smirk off his face. And if I wasn't invested in the idea of trying to get him to trust me as quickly as possible, I might consider actually doing it.

I'm surprised to see how far I've come down the gravel path. The pack-house was still in view because honestly it was so massive, you'd be able to see it from miles away, but the noise had begun to quiet. I liked it, the quiet. I fight the urge to just run into the forest ahead of me and not look back. Though the path is still taking me into the forest, the trees towering over me managing to help calm my inner thoughts. I wonder if this path is going to take me somewhere exciting like to an old forgotten well or clearing. As the path opens out, I see I'm wrong but I'm not disappointed.

At the end of the path is a small log cabin, complete with a porch and a swing seat. The front door is locked and when I look through the windows, I see that all the furnishings are covered with white sheets. Still, it looks more homely than the pack house. I wonder if they had a collection of these sprinkled around for the wolves who didn't want to live directly inside the pack house. I take a seat on the swing seat, rocking myself back and forth as I let my thoughts chase each other around in a constant circle.

A yawn cuts through my thoughts and I allow myself to curl up on the seat, the sun baking the forest around me making me tired once more. I let my eyes close figuring my body was owed a little rest and relaxation.

By the time my eyes open again, the sun has lowered in the sky and my body is tight and protests as I attempt to stretch it out. I can't believe that I've managed to sleep for a couple of hours without anybody coming to wake me. I almost expect to see Roman around somewhere watching me, but nobody is in sight. Apparently now that I was in his possession, he didn't feel the need to be constantly around me. It seems odd to me, from my understanding wolves were inseparable for the first few weeks of the mate bond. Though I suppose they spent most of that time locked up in a bedroom together.

Poor Roman I think with more sadistic glee than was probably healthy.

It was as if thinking of him summoned him. I wipe the smile from my face as his figure rounds the corner. I frown when I see my backpack hanging from one shoulder and a large yellow envelope in one of his hands. I bring my knees up to my chin cursing myself for leaving my backpack unattended. It was official I was the worse spy, double agent, whatever ever. I could hear Kaiser's lecture in my head, the disappointment in his words.

Roman steps up onto the porch with easing leaning lazily against one of the wooden supports as those piercing eyes travel through me. He doesn't look angry or annoyed, just the usual lazy smile gracing his face. But Roman left me off balance enough that I wasn't even sure what that meant.

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