Chapter Nine - The Swap

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One hour that's all the time I was allowed. To wash, change and say goodbye. So many familiar faces weren't there to bid farewell. That fact fueled the anger I knew I would need in the days to come. Connor didn't want me to go, he all but told me I was making a terrible mistake. And honestly if I had a better option maybe I wouldn't be here.

We had arranged to meet Roman in a small forest clearing not far from the main road. Unlike the wolves who probably had a leisurely drive we had to trek. Kaiser assured me I had around twelve hours before I started to feel unwell which did little to improve upon my mood. Twelve hours before I would start vomiting my guts out, as if my body hadn't been through enough in the last couple of days.

As the clearing comes into view, I can see that the wolves are already there, lazing around as if they had been kept waiting. The human prisoners are held in place, hands tied behind them. I recognize Daienera immediately she stands just as tall and proud as ever. Roman's eyes never leave me as we walk in, following my every move. His attention makes me uncomfortable, unsure; it leaves me off balance. Like always he appears balanced, in control. While I must appear to him as a tired wreck, he seems to be the exact opposite. Next to him I recognize the blond hair of his beta Ryan. Ryan's eyes drift from me to my three travelling companions. Unlike the three wolves who have accompanied Roman and Ryan I know my companions are tense on edge. They knew if something went wrong their chances for survival were slim too none.

My eyes rise to meet Roman his words flickering through my head. Could I really trust him? The sliver dagger burns a hole in my backpack. I shift nervously as we stand across from each other. Daienera's attention is on me and I begin to notice the evidence of her imprisonment. Red and purple skin scattered with red darkened and dried. It hurts to look at it, to know that she had suffered while I had been treated with the utmost care.

"Well," Roman's voice breaks through the darkness of my thoughts, "shall we start or were we all planning on waiting so we could watch the sunset together?"

Roman's wearing that irritating smirk that makes me want to smack him, "As fun as I'm sure that would be let's not," I snap back at him, meeting his smirk with one of my own.

Well two could play at this game. I can feel Mark who was standing beside me tense. We had all agreed that I should be the only one talking since I was the only one Roman cared about.

"Come on then," Roman says beckoning me forward to the spot beside him.

My feet stay rooted to the ground. "The prisoners first since you're the one who can't be trusted," I demand, feeling the need to take control of the situation. To not act like the helpless lamb I was, being led to the slaughter.

Roman's smile broadens almost as if he was pleased by my words. The wolves holding the prisoners are watching him, ever waiting for their Alpha's command. Roman's attention never leaves me, but I see Ryan nod beside him as if he was accepting an order. Mind-linking I surmise. That irritating ability of the wolves to be able to communicate without words.

The wolf holding Daienera releases her and the other two prisoners are similarly let free. "Such an obedient dog," Daienera hisses as she passes Roman.

I feel my body go still willing Roman to ignore her. To let it slide. The wolves growl at the insult to their leader. But Roman doesn't turn to face her, doesn't even appear to hear her, those eyes of ice stay on me. I will myself to remain calm and then I begin hesitantly at first to close the distance between us.

"Thank you," Daienera whispers as I pass her.

I nod to her forcing myself to remember who I was doing this for. I just had to survive and then I would be free again.

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