The choices we make

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Chapter 22

When someone cheat everything changes, especially your attitude towards them. It gets more frustrating when you are the only one who knows what they did and they are still acting normal. That has been me towards Khathu these past two weeks. He would laugh and I would want to throw a plate his way. The sight of him annoyed the fuck out of me, everyone went back to Venda and it was just the four of us in the house. I wanted to jump him in the passage for being a liar but all that anger was useless because I didn't have proof.
" What are you doing?"
He asked me and I looked up from my laptop to stare at him. Sies le rubbish.
Me" Working"
Khathu" I thought you said you were done"
Me" I guess I lied, that's what we do here"
Khathu" What?"
Me" Did I stutter?"
Khathu" Who lied?"
Me" You!!! You lied!"
Khathu" About what? Are you still angry at me for buying a new car"
Me" I don't care what you do with your money"
Khathu" Are we going to speak or you'll just yell?"
Me" You always manage to humiliate me"
Khathu" Okay, I'll let you calm down"
Me" Voestek"
Khathu" Really Xoli?"
" You know where to find me when you are ready to talk"
Me" Your son still can't speak!! You should focus on that Sfebe"
Khathu"  What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Me" I want you to go back to Venda"
" I don't want you here"
Khathu" You honestly think I'll go while you are acting like this?"
" I don't get why you can't communicate with me"
Me" Rendani told me about your extra mural activities"
Khathu" Rendani?"
Me" Do you have hearing problems?"
Khathu" You are being childish and I am not doing this with you"
" You want to discuss things with me, then we will but without this extra drama"
Me" Don't speak to me like that"
Khathu" And I should just keep quiet while you disrespect me?"
Me" I really should have let them kill you"
" I want you out of my house"


He didn't leave, so the next few days we just co existed without saying a word to each other. Muhali was with my parents because my mother thought Khathu and I were the reason why he wasn't speaking. We've traumatized him. I ignored that crap but I welcomed the break. So it was just the three of us in the house.
"Mom,  what at you making?"
Thili asked, he is always double checking my cooking.
Me" I'm about to throw the chicken in the microwave"
Thili" Yhuu! Can't we buy the food ku sisi at the shop"
Me" I don't have money"
Thili" I do, remember Granny gave me money"
Me" But if we buy food, then you won't have any money left"
"Do you hate my food that much"
Thili" Yes"
We both chuckled, I went to put the chicken in the freezer then gave him a frozen hotdog.
Me" Warm that up for yourself while I go get dressed"
Thili" You are trying to kill me"
Me" Yeka sana lwam"
I left him in the kitchen, then went to go get dressed. I was in my pyjamas, I changed to denim shorts and a sweater, then sneaker and a cap. I took my wallet and went back to the kitchen.
" Let's go!!!"
I said to Thili, who by the way was eating the hotdog he claimed would kill him. What I love about our house, it's not far from the mall but I felt like spoiling my son. So I took him to Grass roof instead.
Thili" Is Dad coming?"
Me" No, it's just us"
Thili" You can't let him eat the frozen food. Call him Mom"
I wanted to die, but I called him, noba he is with a woman and they are laughing at me. When he picked up, I gave Thili the phone.
" We are eating"
I heard him laugh, he probably made a joke about my cooking. I took my phone then told him where we are, Thili and I sat while he told me everything about his new classmates. Khathu arrived and hugged his son, he knew better than to kiss me.
" I ordered supper too"
I said to him and he nodded, Thili left us to go play. We sat there not speaking until he broke the silence.
" I'll go tomorrow"
He said and I just nodded.
Khathu" I love you Xolisa, but I can't continue walking on egg shells. So I'll go"
Fuck!!! Why is this man making me cry in public. I wiped my tears then looked at him.
Me" Let Thili pay, I deposited money in the account, he thinks this is his treat. He knows his own pin number"
I gave him the bank card.
" I'll see you at home"
I grabbed my things and left, I needed my girls. I sent an SoS text and told them our usual spot.

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