1: The meet up (fully revised)

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A/N: If I'm being honest, I just went
through and corrected all the spelling errors and I am dreading actually starting to edit this. It's like leftovers that have been left in the fridge for who knows how long. Now you're staring at it after cleaning out your fridge about to just throw the whole container away because who knows what mold monster is growing in there. Also the picture above is what my views looked like before I edited this chapter, because I'm not sure if it'll erase the views I have after I upload this re-write of the chapter.

3rd person

It was quite a rainy morning in London, and the light tapping against George's window was starting to annoy him. He just wanted to sleep a few more minutes before his alarm went off. I mean, yes, he is excited to go to Florida after two years of planning it, but no one told him he would have to wake up so early.

While George was going in and out of sleep, his alarm went off. That stupid alarm made him jump, but doesn't everyone's alarm do that? I mean his alarm went something along the lines of, "Hey, common, you lazy wake up. Hey, common, take your drums." He had heard it so many times that every time he hears it he tenses and then does that little shaky thing you do when you get a cold chill. Oh right, the trip. I guess I failed to mention George was also going to move to Florida. Well, it's more of a trial and error, so if he decides he shouldn't live there then he'll just move back to London.

I also failed to mention he's moving in with his best friends, that he happened to like just a little teeny tiny bit- honestly I don't know who I'm trying to fool, I mean even their fans can see through his straight facade. 

it wasn't his fault, those little rascals could have literally found out that the serial killer was a killer before the serial killer did. Say that ten times fast. Seriously though, George is even surprised Sapnap and Dream haven't caught on yet.

Dream and Sapnap already lived together, in fact they have lived together for about a year and a few months now. No one really knows why George couldn't leave till now, I mean the travel ban has been lifted for quite awhile now. Some think it's because Dream will be face revealing when George gets to Florida and Dream was just nervous. Others think they're just never going to meet up, but I guess they are wrong.


George stepped out of the shower, still groggy and dreading leaving his house to sit on his bum all day in a big medal box. He threw on some joggers and his GNF hoodie with the goggles on it. Should be easy to spot me, he thought to himself. George groggily took his bag, airplane bag thing, keys, and passport then opened the door to make his way to the bus.

Who would've thought that 25 year old George would have to be waking up this early to make it to a bus on time like he did in grade school, I can tell you he surely didn't think he would be doing that anytime soon.

When George boarded the bus he knew it was going to be a long ride, not literally, but mentally. I mean that thing was packed, why are there so many people here at 5:56 AM? Early birds are crazy, I personally am sacred of them.


After about an hour of driving George finally arrived at the airport. Going through the medal detector thing was so weird, also why if there so many security protocols just to board a flight? Anyways, now he was waiting in very impenitently for his flight to be called. He kind of felt like one of those dads who gets to the airport way to early, but in reality he was just half asleep.

When he heard, "flight 503 to Florida is ready to be boarded." George actually hopped out of his seat and fell on his face in the process. Everyone just stared at him for a second and then went on with there day, but you know when you do something embarrassing it feels like people are never going to forget it even though they forget about it like an hour later. After George got up he sped walked all the way to the place where you give your ticket to the person and board the flight.

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