036; my beanie

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Sofia's POV:

We sat in silence trying to go to sleep, it would be easier then last time since now we know Jack is going to be okay, but something was bothering me. I just can't put my finger on it.

"Somethings bothering you." Tate said pulling myself out of my thoughts.

"How the fuck did you know? Can you read minds or something now? Are you secretly Coebyn?" I question her which makes her laugh.

"You have a tell when your stressed, you like to play with one strand of your hair." Tate said pointing at my hand twirling my strand of hair.

I immediately let go and stuff my hand under the blankets.

"So what's bothering you?" Tate asked sitting up and giving her full attention to me.

"I don't know, that's the problem." I sigh and think about some of the possibilities that could make me stressed right now.

"It's Daniel isn't it." Tate smirked at me.

"What! No, no way." I defend myself. That can't be what I am stressed about, it can't.

"Yes, you like him and you don't know where he is right now. Your worried." Tate explained the exact thought that went through my head that minute.

"What the fuck. Are you sure you can't read minds?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"I swear on my life. Anyway, you and Daniel?" Tate made lovey eyes at me which made me laugh.

"Shut up, I don't like him. He probably doesn't like me." I say, which it is probably the truth.

"Um, no. You guys literally cuddle together, you are in the crush zone." Tate nodded her head agreeing with herself.

"Nope, couldn't be us." I say not looking at her.

"Nope, it is you guys. Just know, if you like Daniel tell him, because he told me a while ago he has bad luck with girls. And then there's the anxiety and stress you have to worry about with him, and the fact-"

"I get it Tate, be sensitive with Dani." I laugh cutting her off from her rant.

"So you do like him?" Tate raised her eyebrow at me which made me laugh. It was nice having a normal conversation with someone. About boys. Haven't done that in a while.

"Fine, maybe I do. Is that so bad?" I ask.

"Not at all. The ship name shall be #dafia" Tate said will moving her hands in the air to present the ship name.

"I like it." I laugh.

"Well I'm going to bed, because we gotta be ready to wake up when Jack is up." Tate says laying back down and closes her eyes.

"Night Tate."

"Night Sofia."


I woke with a jolt when there was a knock on the car window. I looked around and saw Tate was now awake as well. Outside of the car was Andrew again.

I looked at the cars clock, 5 am. JACK!

I quickly jump out of the car and run over to Andrew and look at him waiting for him to give me news on our friend.

"He's out of surgery, it went fine. He'll wake up in an hour or so." Andrew said as Tate hopped out of the car as well, but not as awake as I was.

"Can we see him?" Tate yawned and walked over to the two of us.

"If you can get in without being seen, then yes." Andrew smiled. I nodded and grabbed Tate's arm.

"Oh, are we super speeding in?" Tate asked as she looked down at my hand grabbing her arm.

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