028; what's wrong

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Daniel's POV:

"Can you tell us what exactly happened?" Christina asked as we drove away from the beach.

Everyone has been quiet since we all guessed Zach and Jonah were taken. No one said a word, we were all just in our own thoughts.

Once we packed up, Sofia got into the drivers seat and headed off. We didn't exactly know where we were going now since we had to figure out where the two boys had been taken too.

"Well, I woke up, along with Jack and Jonah, to a whimpering Zach. He was having a nightmare and after he woke up, Jonah took him on a walk to clear his mind." I started to explain as I felt all eyes on me.

"What was the nightmare about?" Alexa asked me.

I could tell Zach being gone broke her heart. She wasn't as sarcastic anymore and her eyes weren't full of joy, they were filled with worry and sadness. He was like her only source of comfort in this whole mess.

"It was about you. Being taken and tortured." I said quietly as Alexa let a tear slip down her face and got even more sad, if that was even possible. She turned away and went back to her thoughts.

"What happened next?" Christina asked.

"Well, Jack went back to sleep. I couldn't fall asleep though so I stayed up, but soon I realized the two have been gone for a while." I said.

"Is that when you had your vision?" Christina asked.

"Um kinda. I got a huge headache before it happened, but yeah basically." I mentioned. I got a few nods from people but everyone was spaced out mainly.

"And what happened in the vision?" Christina asked me. She was the only one really paying attention.

"They were talking and laughing, but on the way back to our sleeping area, a van pulled up behind them. They were attacked, they tried to fight back but they couldn't." I said, "Oh, and I'm pretty sure Jonah broke his wrist but he couldn't heal it."

"Wait what?" Tate looked up from the spot she was staring at the ground.

"Yeah, he wasn't able to heal his wrist. Which is weird since he should be able too but something was like stopping his powers." I talked it out, mainly to myself.

"Did he have anything on him that would stop him from using his abilities?" Christina questioned.

"He had handcuffs on? Do you think that would do anything?" I asked Christina.

"Maybe I mean maybe they stop the powers from being in use." Christina shrugged.

"Yeah, that-"

"Can we stop talking about this for a little bit." Tate interrupted me. We looked over at her and saw tears in her eyes. "I miss him." she whispered quietly.

"Come here." Gabbie said pulling Tate into a hug and comforting her.

"Yeah sure. Sorry Tate." Christina said going quiet and leaning into her boyfriends chest.


"If anyone needs to go to the bathroom or anything now is the chance, cause I need to go." Sofia said pulling the car over in a little store in a small town.

"I need too as well." Jack said pulling out the lavender beanie he stole a few days ago and putting it on.

"Okay, I'll take everyone in." I say standing up and opening the doors of the van, jumping out, "And this time, please stay in the car."

"Got it captain." Corbyn joked laying down.

"Let's go." Sofia said grabbing my hand, as well as Jack. I turned us invisible and headed inside the store.

There were a few people in the store so I moved around them all and made it to the back where the bathrooms were.

"Do you not need to go?" Sofia asked as I let go of her hand.

"I went in the ocean last night." I said quietly, receiving a nod from her.

Jack and Sofia both went in and I turned myself invisible just in case anything happened.

"Can you turn up the news report!" someone yelled in the store from the front. I made my way to the front to see what people were talking about.

On the screen in the front of the store was a news report about us.

"BREAKING NEWS, two out of the ten fugitives have been handled with and taken to a government facility. The two are Zach Herron and Jonah Marais, but please remember to keep an eye out for the eight still on the run. Please be safe, and thank you." the news report lady said.

So they were being taken to a government facility. That's something to go off of I guess.

I made my way back to the bathrooms but instead of seeing Sofia and Jack waiting for me like I thought they would, I saw Sofia panicking.

"What'a wrong?" I say turning myself visible and going up to Sofia.

"Somethings wrong with Jack but I can't understand what." she said worrying and pulling me into the boys bathroom.

On the far wall was Jack sitting on the floor and holding his head in his hands. His eyes were glowing bright purple as he was grunting in pain. He let out small little screams, trying to stay as quiet as possible.

"Jack, what's wrong? Can you hear me?" I asked running over to him and kneeling down next to him.

"There's... I.... high pitched noise in my head." he said covering his ears and letting out a small grunt.

"Is something wrong with his heightened hearing?" Sofia asked me, which I shrugged to.

"Maybe a sound only he can hear?" I suggested not knowing what to do.

"Make it stop!" Jack raised his voice as he threw his head back against the wall still covering his ears.

"Hey, it's okay Jack. Calm down." Sofia tried calming them down.

All of a sudden Jack stopped grunting in pain and let go of his head. He sat there motionless as his eyes stayed purple.

"Jack? What's-" I started but was cut off by Jack.

"Shhh, I'm listening to something." he said as he stood up slowly.

We watched Jack continue to listen to whatever he was listening too and kept the door locked so no one would come in.

Finally Jacks eyes went back to the brown color and he looked over at Sofia and I.

"What the hell was that?" Sofia questioned him.

"I'll explain in the car." he smiled, grabbing my hand.

I sighed and grabbed Sofia's hand, turning us invisible and leading us out of the bathroom and store. We got to the outside of the van and made our way into the back of the van.

Closing the doors shut, Sofia and I faced towards Jack.

"You want to explain what that was in there?" Sofia asked.

"What was what?" Gabbie asked looking between us. and then at her boyfriend.

"Well Jack here, had a loud ringing in his noise in his ears and was screaming on the floor." I said to everyone.

"What! Are you okay?" Gabbie asked worrying about her boyfriend.

"I wasn't screaming." Jack rolled his eyes, "but that's not the point. I know how we can save Zach and Jonah." he said, getting everyone's attention.

A/N ~
i'm on cloud 9 rn, love you guys!

also i'm lowkey cringing at my own fanfic but it's okay and i changed my username so just letting you know

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