Chapter 8

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Time seemed to have slowed down, and everything moved in slow motion. Relic's hand coming down, the expression of panic on Kid's face, and the impending death to come.

No. You wouldn't have it. It wouldn't happen. In that moment of seeming slowness, every ounce of your mind, and every ounce of your soul, had a powerful move of defiance. It powered your will – the will for Kid to live – and for the first time since you got those chains, you broke them, and moved against them.

However you gained such a powerful will, it was a miracle. It most likely came from the time you spent with Kidd, and all of the generosity he gave you, because the thought of him dying, horrified you to the ends of the Grand Line.

In that split second you had between the time frame of that hand being up, and digging into Kid's skin, you somehow defied the power of your chains, pushed yourself up, and shot your hand back and out as hard as you could, a jolt of electricity coursing through your body as you let go of your dagger and sent it flying at Relic's hand, successfully meeting his wrist and wedging it deep inside, forcing itself out the other and nearly cutting off his entire hand. Quite literally though, his hand was hanging on by only two threads.

Relic screeched in pain and recoiled back, ceasing control over you as well and allowing free movement, his foot also coming of Kid's arm as he tripped backwards.

"DON'T TRY THAT SHIT EVER AGAIN! I'LL NEVER LET YOU KILL HIM!" You yelled, getting up in a tearful rage and extending a fist to his face, punching it with a furious amount of power; enough to make him cough up blood.

"GET DOWN YOU STUPID OBJECT!" Relic cursed quickly reacting to the impact and bringing a foot to your side, forcefully knocking you down to the ground and inflicting more pain upon your already strained and tired body. "I don't know HOW you even managed to defy my power. Fucking bi-"

Relic's angry rant was cut off by a strange and sudden popping thunk, like an object was popping out of something. Turning, you and Relic was that Kid had forced his arm out of the tough dirt, flexing it in its freedom from that unnecessary prison.

Then, there came an awkward deadly silence. Kid's arm still raised from the flex, he brushed off some dirt and turned his head, locking eyes with Relic, his narrowed deadly flaming pupils meeting the controlling high and mighty light of Relic's. Though, that light seemed to fade as the growl that came from Kid's throat ripped through the air in Relic's direction.

Like I said when I came here," Kid began, pulling back his freed arm. "She will. Be. FREE!"

In one swift movement, Kid exploded with anger and launched his metallic fist at Relic, nailing him in the face with great force, sending blood spurting from his nose and mouth, just from the impact as he was sent spiraling backwards and to the ground, getting a face full of dirt in the process. Kid then ran forward, dodging your hurt form on the ground as he began wailing on Relic with flying fists, smashing the muscular man into a pulp out of sheer rage. Kid was streaming curse word after curse word out of his mouth the entire time, as well as giving a lecture against him, and what he did.

"You are sick! Humans are not objects! Women are not objects! _______ is not YOUR personal object! Humans are meant to be free, and it will stay as such! The only way I see this happening, is if I kill you and your shitty devil fruit power!" Kid lectured in a rage, still beating Relic with no shown hesitation in his punches.

You yourself had managed to lift yourself into a sitting position, even though your body protested against it, and watched them fight. It shocked you how extremely angry Kidd looked. He's never looked so excruciatingly pissed off before. These things he was saying, and what he was going, was inhumanely painful for Relic, but for good reason, as it was all for you.

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