Chapter 5

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The fun stuff always seemed to happen in the kitchen. Or, oddly enough, you found your life taking place there the most. Maybe you and kitchens were a separation at birth thing; a classic story. Not that something like that is a physically possible thing anyway. Regardless, it was kitchen time, and Kid had begun to stop counting you cooking as work. Damn.

"Victory cookies, and loser cookies are served." You declared, laying down two separate serving plates on the counter.

"I see you put thought into the categories." Killer scoffed, stepping up to the counter.

For reference, he was talking about your cookies. What you claimed as victory cookies, were perfect, round, chocolate chip cookies, decorated with icing sugar patterns on the nicest plate you could find for you and Kid. And your loser cookies, were also chocolate chip, but sloppily made with a less than appealing appearance, served on one of the pieces of metal you were throwing around, shaped by Kid into a plate before you washed it. The only thing you didn't mention about the loser batch though, was that there was one deception cookie in there somewhere.

"Indeed I did. Now enjoy~!" You hummed, ushering the plates closer to the other side of the counter.

The four classified as losers and winners stood on the other side of the counter, taking the cookies you made. Kidd had no hesitation as he took the ones meant for him, biting down and having some major flavour party in his mouth from the taste. The others were hesitant, but they knew better than to judge your cooking by its looks. Going off that, Heat, Killer, and Wire picked up their sloppy loser cookies, and found they were right, having a similar flavour party like Kidd.

"Oh my god. If this is what losing tastes like, then I don't mid losing at all ever again." Killer gushed, practically drooling as he ate.

"Your cooking never fails _______. Looks like blah, tastes like ORGASM IN MOUTH~!" Heat sang, the last bit sounding like an opera singer mocking an angels ascent.

"Oh thaaaaaaaanks." You dragged out in response jokingly.

"Undeniably good. I need to have another. I can't not." Wire said in a trance-like state, reaching for another. Taking his second and chomping down on it, he suddenly spat it out like a rapid projectile, back onto the wall behind you. "OH MY GOD EW! THE FUCK?! RAISINS?!"

You doubled over laughing at this. "HA! You got the deception cookie~! Being the loser always comes with risks~!"

Wire growled and chucked the cookie in your direction, pissed about his deception. "This is why I have trust issues." He grumbled.

Before you or anyone else could shoot laughter back at him, the shattering of a window caught your attention and caused all of you to whip around and face the single window that was in the kitchen.

"What The fuck?! Did you break the window with your cookie rage?!" Heat asked, looking at the shattered remains of glass clinging to the frame.

"No way! That cookie was soft and gooey!" Wire argued.

Confused, you looked from the window to the glass on the floor, trying to figure out what happened. Among the pieces, something deep grey caught your eye, and you stared. After having eyes on it for mere seconds, you began to panic.

"Everyone behind the counter! NOW! "You ordered. "Kid! Bomb!"

At your words, the four began to stumble behind the counter quickly, the word 'bomb' being their sole motive to go. There was a small hissing sound, giving the terrible signal of what was to come soon.

"KID!" You yelled, seeing him double back before getting behind anything.


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