Chapter 6

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*TW: Mention of rape*

You were being dragged across the hard stone floor by your wrists, struggling the entire way as the two burly men finally came to a stop, throwing you to the floor roughly. It's been years since you've been let out of that confined building, but you would honestly rather stay if this was the way these bastards were going to treat you.

Spitting up blood from the impact, your teenage body shook as you picked yourself up off the floor weakly, trying to show your protest to their rude and painful gestures. Your struggle was a waste though, as a firm hand met with the top of your head, open palm thrusting you back down into the floor and knocking your teeth into the hard stone, your gums bleeding in response to the impact, and your teeth themselves, miraculously not bending or denting as a lucky strike.

"Hmm. It's been a while since I've seen you _______. Finally all grown up now aren't we?" A strange male voice questioned rhetorically, quite obviously with the intent towards you.

"Who... the hell are you?" You gasped weakly, spitting small stones out of your teeth and brushing the remainder out.

"Hah! You don't remember me? I'm the one who brought you here in the first place! Ever since you were just a child. Presumably around two years of age if I remember correctly. Not that your childish memory would ever remember something from so long ago though." He snorted, crossing his arms.

Oh. That's right. You never used to live a life like this. You used to be so free, playing with your mum and dad all the time. But then, ever since they've been murdered... you were taken by those exact killers, kidnapped and forced to work as a slave, chained to a post in a certain room to carry out whatever order you were given. It was all you'd ever known for your entire life, which is a sad one to be living in your predicament.

But today, that was all going to change.

"What do you want with me, Relic?" You spat, glaring up at him from the ground with angry eyes.

"Oh so you DO remember me!" He laughed. "How flattering. Seeing as that much is on your mind, I'll cut to the chase. You've grown quite a bit since I took you. I thought you could finally have that chain off your ankle for once, with a single exception of course." He began, a sadistic grin spreading across his disgusting face.

You stared up at him in confusion for a moment. You had a sudden bad feeling clenching in your gut on where he was going to go with this, and the feeling ripped through your body just screaming for you to run.

Relic leaned down to get a better look at you. "Just as I expected. You've grown quite beautiful from that young girl you once were. So perfect, that I believe you should serve another purpose now." He sneered, bending down and putting a hand on your cheek, sliding it down your side, past your waist, and closer to your backside.

"NO!" You quickly yelled in protest, flinching at the contact and instinctively punching his jaw as you backed away. Upon realizing what his intention was, you just had to find a way out of here now, and fast.

Relic growled and recoiled from the punch slightly, immediately getting pissed off. "I don't believe you have a CHOICE slave!" He bellowed, reaching out and grabbing you by your hair. "Today, you'll serve e another purpose, forever." He snarled in your face.

You screamed in fear, kneeing him in the chest and punching him multiple times to try and get away. This couldn't be happening, it just couldn't!

"Looks like you still need your chains, you robust fucking bitch." He snarled, defending against your attacks this time around. "But, real ones are just too big and get in the way far too much. Time for your permanent imprisonment _______." He added with a sick grin, throwing you into the hands of his two guards. "Bring her underground.

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