Chapter 7

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"AUGH! N-NO! NAH!" You screamed, arms and legs separated in a basic binding position as you arched your back against the now extremely familiar force, struggling to get away with tightly clenched fists.

"_______! I'm here! It's Kid! Calm down as best you can, and talk to me1" Kid's voice pleaded.

Opening your tightly shut eyes slightly, you looked up at the red head whose face held a panicked expression. "K-Kid?" You stammered out, looking up at him through one eye half open. After a quick and insecure glance around, you realized you were in your own room and your bead, being taken care of by him. But, this didn't mean you were safe.

"_______, what's going on? You look like you're in so much pain! And your tattoos- they're darker, and they're moving!" He persisted.

"K-Kid, I'm sorry. I l-lied to you. NGH!" You choked out, working your hardest against the force.


"I can't make things u-up anymore. A-And I've realized something terrible. T-the Unchained Ink that we saw in the newspaper, i-it's Relic! Relic is the one you s-AH! Saved me from!" You started, still twisting against your chains.

"Relic?! You mean that scum bag of a slave owner I locked up a month ago?!" Kid asked in shock.

"Y-yes! But h-he's not locked up anymore! He's broken out! His n-name, going by the Unchained Ink, is a very valid reason. H-he's a devil fruit user, and he's the one who g-gave me all these chains in the first place. He tattooed them on me, and he b-broke out with me in mind. H-he can control me like this! H-he's coming back!" You gasped.

"He... He what?!"

"M-my chains have been darkening, which means he has been getting closer. H-he can have control over me again. I-I'm never free!" You repeated.

Before Kid could as another question, you began to belt out all of your past, from when you were kidnapped at the age of two, up until present day. You told him the deep secrets that you had tried so hard to forget, all including what Relic had done to you, explaining his devil fruit power, throwing in the side fact of that's how the rogues revived: the potions on their wrists were activated by him. You gave Kid all the details up until he saved you, and told him that you covered your past with straps and lies to protect him, his crew, and whatever sanity and dignity you still had left with yourself.

Kid's expression was that of complete shock, and his eyes had shaded over in despair as he looked down to the floor.


"T-that's also why we shouldn't dock at that island now. He's close, w-which means he's most likely there! Sail away. M-my chains will fade again when we're out of his range!" You pleaded, hoping this to be the one thing that could get you out of this stupid little incident that had happened so suddenly.

Kid didn't respond. He remained looking down at the floor with darkened eyes for a moment.

"Those tattoos came from Relic, a devil fruit user who can control the ink living inside you, and not a tattoo artist with a bad kink, right?" He asked slowly, not raising his head.

"Y-yes. He did it to have complete control over me at anytime, anywhere." You confirmed, slowly getting a grip on your state.

"And if we sail away, your tattoos will fade once out of range, and you'll be fine you say?" He went on.

"T-that's the plan."

"But he'll still be around, and you'll still have his ink in your skin?" He asked one more time.

Unchained Ink  ⛓️Eustass Kid X Reader ⛓️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora