Trouble (chapter 5)

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Allister's POV:

4 weeks later.

"Seriously Em?!" I yelled

"You can't do that!" Emmeline yelled back.

"Why not?!"

"Because! You don't throw plastic plates at anybody! Even more so not a pregnant lady!"

"Oh shut up!" I yelled

"Excuse Me?! You don't not tell me to shut up"

I walked to Em and grabbed her chin

"I don't care if you're the weak bitch I married or a pregnant bitch, I. Dont. Give. A. Damn. And you do not get to tell me what I can and cannot do. Do you understand?" I asked in a low voice, my mouth a few inches from hers.

"I may a bitch, but im your bitch. You married me, now you have to deal with me" She smiled.

Suddenly I felt my shirt being tugged and her lips on mine.

My eyes widened and I let go of her chin.

"Hah!" Emmeline yelled as she pushed me away from her.

She walked away as I stood there with a shocked look on my face.

"What the fuck was that?!" I yelled as she walked further away.

She walked upstairs and I heard her door close.

I went into the living room and sat on the couch.

"Oh I can't believe I'm doing this" I whispered.

I grabbed my phone and called Megan.

M: what do you want?

A: I need your help. With Em

M: did something happen with the baby?

A: no I- we- I dont- she just-

M: ugh I'm on my way.

Megan hung up the phone and Em walked down a minute later. She was wearing her lion king sweats and superman crop top.

"I'm going to the store" she said as she grabbed her car keys.

"For once will you please match something with those clothes"

"Nope" she smiled

I huffed and leaned back on the couch.

The front door slammed the noise of Emmeline's car leaving got quieter.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door and Megan was there. She was wearing lion king sweats and a superman crop top. The exact same ones Em was wearing.

"Do you two match frequently?"

Megan gave me a weird look.

"Oh no. We have the same clothes. We match without realizing it sometimes"

I nodded my head and moved to the side.

Megan walked in and threw her keys and wallet on the counter.

"What do you want?" She asked

"It's Em. She isn't scared anymore"

"That's great" Megan said.

"No. I mean yeah I'm happy she isn't scared of me anymore but... she's bold. She keeps doing things"

"What kind of things?"

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