Chapter 32

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“What could have happened now?” Tomiwa said worriedly as the four walked around the bushy pathway in near Tisha’s house.

So far, luck was against them as they were confused on the whereabouts of  corpse of their fallen friend.

“I just hope nobody got their hands on him.” Jake growled as he walked by her, With the two vampires leading the way.

Annabelle clenched her crossbow tightly enough to make it break if she added a little more ounce of force. She was breathing heavily as her face was twisted with rage. Whoever stole his body was in one world of hell. Her eyes began to turn red and her movements were more brisque.

A hand was placed on her shoulder and she looked sideways to see Tisha staring at her.

“Annabelle.” Tisha gave her a disapproving look.

“Don’t start with me, Tisha.” Annabelle glared back, her eyes glowing in the dark.
“You think I’m going to pretend that all is well when his body is nowhere to be found?”

“I know you have a right to be angry.” Tisha said softly.
“ We all do. But right now you need to suppress it. You will scare the two behind us if they see that look on your face.”

Annabelle sighed as she knew her friend had a point. As furious as she was, she didn’t need to risk scaring the only other humans who had learnt to trust her. She closed her eyes and slowly inhaled. When she opened them again, they were back to normal. Tisha smiled and squeezed her shoulder softly. They were now far from her home now and they entered a small clearing in the forest.   
Annabelle looked up and noticed the full moon was covered with clouds. She glanced at her watch and saw that it was 4:30 am. This definitely meant the sun would be out in a few hours.

“Well well well, boys. look what we have here.” A creepy voice came from the darkness of the forest, making the group almost jump in fright.

Jake and Tomiwa quickly huddled and stood by Annabelle and Tisha while they held their weapons in alert.

“Show yourself!” Tisha cried out in anger as she glanced around.

For a while nothing could be heard.Then all of a sudden, 8 pairs of red eyes glowed in the darkness surrounding the four people. Tomiwa shrieked in fright as she  saw the eyes and  stayed close to Jake who was trying to compose him self.

Suddenly the owners of the eyes emerged into the light. They were about eight men and they looked menacing. They surrounded the four and they had evil smiles on their faces. Their leader who was the largest wore a black tank top and a toothpick hung out of his lips. His hair was cropped and his face was a deathly white with ominous  red eyes. He glanced at Jake and Tomiwa and his smile became wider.

“You know.” He spoke to the two female vampires.
“It’s not good to waste food. Especially when they happen to be quite…delicious.”

He licked his lips at the humans making them cringe in fear.

“Back off!!” Annabelle snarled pointing the crossbow at him. He shook his head in laughter.

“Come on.” He said. “If you don’t want them, at least let us have a taste. Besides, there are eight of us and four of you. You are outnumbered two to one. Do you think you are fast enough to take us out before we can reach the two of them?”

Annabelle knew he had a point. Even if she shot one or two, there were still six more and to make matters worse, they weren’t humans. She knew this was a losing battle but still….

“I would rather die than let you lay your filthy hands on them.” She gritted her teeth and clenched her crossbow tighter.

“That can be arranged.” The man replied dryly and then snapped his hands to the rest of his crew “Boys.Get them.”

Jake and Tomiwa gasped in fear as they began to advance at once. Annabelle pointed her crossbow at one. But before she could shoot, something stunning happened.
Four wooden arrows whistled simultaneaously out of the darkness and penetrated four of the rogues accurately by their skulls. They collapsed and burned to dust.

“What the hell?” Annabelle and the rogue leader said simultaneously.

Before anyone had time to react, a large stake flew in from nowhere and penetrated one by the heart and two more arrows destroyed the remaining two, leaving the leader. Everyone was stunned as they couldn’t detect where the arrows and weapons were coming from. The leader turned away in fright and disappeared into the bush only to be heard screaming in pain.

All was silent and the group held their breath. All of a sudden, his decapitated head flew in from the bush and landed in front of the group.

“Oh my God!” Tomiwa screamed in horror.

  Soon, they heard approaching footsteps from the darkness.
Everyone stood at alert as they waited. The footsteps drew nearer and a figure emerged into the light.

Everyone was stunned as the  familiar figure stood facing them with a cocky smile and a cross bow in his hand.  He balanced his crossbow on his shoulder and put his other hand in his pocket.

“Daniel?!” They cried out simultaneously.

“In the flesh and blood.” He winked.

~Typical cocky Daniel. Lol. Talk about making an entrance after resurrection. Phew. As always,I'm always available for questions and I'll seriously appreciate your votes and comments.~

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