Chapter 22

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Luke paced around restlessly in his abode. It had been two days since he sent Chris and Angela to escort the rest of the coven.  If his calculations were correct, they should be here by now. He moved to the window and glanced out. The night was still young as the streets was still buzzing with activities. His super hearing picked up on the noises coming from the various vehicles speeding about, loudspeakers blazing from a nearby dance club.
“Pathetic." He smirked. “ Dance while you can, feeble humans. Soon you’ll be dancing to my tune."
He heard footsteps behind him and soon, the door opened. He turned around and saw a man breathing heavily, a panicked look on his face.
“What is it?” Luke frowned.
“My lord.” The man panted. “ We have a problem.”
Luke’s eyes narrowed but he said nothing, he nodded to the man to lead the way and they both left the room. They  arrived at the compound and Luke was astonished.  Chris and Angela stood tiredly with blood all over their bodies though there was no sign of injuries thanks to their healing.Chris carried a bloodied corpse, slung over his shoulder.  When he saw his father approaching, he bent down and gently laid it on the floor.
Luke inspected the corpse. One of the hands was cut off and there was a gaping hole in the chest. No doubt, the wound was inflicted by a wooden stake. Luke cursed and slammed his fist on the ground making it vibrate from the impact and making Angela jump a little. She moved behind Chris in fear.
“Who did this?” Luke growled lowly, his eyes still staring downwards.
“ Three men, Father.” Chris said as he swallowed lightly. “We were ambushed at the border. They moved so fast  and they were completely armed.”
“Armed with what?” Luke looked at him for the first time.
“Stakes.” Chris replied, wiping blood from his forehead with the back of his hand. “ Stakes, swords and arrows made from wood. About 30 of our coven members were killed. The rest fled."
“ DAMN!!” Luke let out an earth shattering scream as he stood quickly and kicked away a wooden table.  Everyone was paralyzed  with fear as no one was bold enough to calm their Lord’s rage. Angela held Chris arm tightly as she nuzzled against his back, not wanting to look at his father in the eye. Chris shook his head and looked at the floor in shame. Finally after a tense moment, Luke sighed and then folded his hands before staring into space. The trio had struck again just like they did back at the warehouse.  Chris mentioned that they were highly skilled but how skilled can a human be to take down 30 vampires with ease? The whole thing was so baffling.
“ You may go.” He dismissed. Chris and Angela went inside to freshen up and he stared at the corpse for a while before beckoning on his messenger who swiftly ran to him.
“Get rid of that.” He pointed to the corpse.

It had finally happened. The rumored strike. After a long protest, the school finally went on strike much to majority of the student’s disappointment as the exams were already drawing near, but what could they do? They had no choice.
Jake had recovered within a week much to everyone’s joy but the Doctor, Sola had given him precautions concerning stressing himself, particularly on the left side of his chest. After two more weeks, it was safe to say he was medically clear. Sharon still kept in the dark about the mysterious circumstances surrounding her but only knowing about Jake’s injury  made sure to invite them to her house for a party her parents were throwing. Something about celebrating a new contract her father bagged.
Daniel on the other hand wasn’t having fun right now as the trio kept tailing him wherever he went, although they kept their distance. Whenever  he wanted to visit a friend, they accompanied him but didn’t enter the house, only hanging around. At first, he paid no attention to it but it began to seriously get annoying and he wondered why he hadn’t gone nuts yet.
Daniel, Jake and Tomiwa arrived at Sharon’s house dressed for the party. The house was what you could call a mansion. It was quite big and spacious with a small garden, a play ground and what else could complete the typical rich man’s house if not a swimming pool. Lots of people had arrived and there was a loud speaker with a DJ mixing beats.
“Wow.” Jake said in awe as he looked around the house. “This girl is freaking loaded.”
“ Tell me about it." Tomiwa whistled clinging to his arm. “It feels like heaven here.”
“Don’t get carried away.” Daniel grinned and Tomiwa pulled his hair.
“Hey, watch the hair!!” He cried out.
“ Don’t worry.Annabelle won’t mind how your hair looks.” She winked at him and Daniel blushed.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He mumbled.
“Of couse you don’t.” She teased.
“ Speaking of which, where is she?” Jake queried as he slung his arm over Tomiwa. “ Isn’t she coming?”
“She will.” Daniel shrugged. “ Said she had to attend to something.”
“Probably planning on the perfect clothes and dramatic entrance for you.” Tomiwa giggled.
“ For crying out loud.” Daniel rolled his eyes and the duo laughed.
“Hey ,Guys!!” They turned to see Sharon striding towards them with a bright smile. She gave each of them hugs, making sure to linger on Daniel which made him raise an eyebrow.
“Glad you could make it.” She piped. “ Not too late. Not too early. Perfect timing..”
“Damn, Sharon. Why didn’t you tell us you have elephant dollars ?” Daniel joked and she punched his arm playfully.
“I wasn’t obliged.” She shrugged. “ Where’s Annabelle ?” she finally remembered as she noticed that the girl in question wasn’t glued to Daniel’s side as usual.
“ Busy.” Tomiwa said.
Sharon shrugged. She didn’t really mind anyway.  She led them to the buffet center and they marveled at the amount of people rushing to gather food. Daniel and Jake grinned as they saw a very familiar person….
“SEGUN!”  They chorused. The guy in question was on a queue at the food stand with plate in hand and a hungry look in his eye. On hearing his name, he turned around and spotted them. He laughed as he moved towards them and they shook hands.
“The infamous food monger.” Jake laughed. “ What are you looking for here?”
“What else would I be looking for in a party again?”Segun replied.
“ Everywhere food is involved, that's where you'll be seen.” Daniel laughed. “ Your future ambition is supposed to be chef."
“ Whatever." Segun scoffed. “ But Jake, how's your condition? Are you alright now?”
“ I'm alright now." Jake smiled.
Daniel was about to say something when he spotted some one familiar by the pool. The person was texting on his phone . Daniel recognized him as the man he met at the hospital when he was leaving the doctor’s office. He excused himself and moved towards him.
Eric was bored right now. Thanks to his mother’s stubbornness he was forced to attend this party and nothing he could say could deter her. She was conversing with sharon’s mother at the door of the house and he scoffed when he saw them laugh. Pulling out his phone, he started texting someone to pass away time when he noticed someone coming towards him. He smiled as he recognized the boy.
“ Well,well, well.” He put his hands in his pocket. “ It really is a small world.”
“Tell me about it.” Daniel laughed. “ From the look on your face, you aren’t having fun.”
“You guessed right.” He frowned. “ You seem to be very observant and an interesting fellow. Pardon me, what’s your name?”
“Daniel.”  Daniel replied, offering his hand. “ Daniel Johnson.”
“Eric Adekoya.” Eric replied accepting the younger man’s hand in a handshake.
“Adekoya?” Daniel was a bit surprised. “ I believe that’s the Doctor’s last name.”
“Oh yes.” Eric replied. “ She’s my mother."
“For real?” Daniel’s eyes replied.
“ Wow. It’s just that she looks so.. so.. so..”
“Young?” Eric completed with a laugh and Daniel nodded. “ A lot of people say that.”
“Hello boys.” Their attention was drawn to the approaching figure of Doctor Adekoya. “ I take it you’ve met before?”
“Yes” Daniel replied. “ Good evening, Doctor.”
“Evening.” She smiled. “I can see Jacob is here too. I hope you are enjoying yourself.”
“Yes, Doctor. Thanks” He answered.
“ Please excuse me.” She said and then turned to her son. “ Eric, a moment with you please."
Eric obliged and they both walked away. Daniel smiled as he watched their retreating figure before two hands slipped from behind him and covered his eyes. He felt the hands as he recognized the familiar cold texture of them.
“Ann.” He smiled. “ Who else would it be?”
The hands left his face and he turned around to see her smiling. His mouth went open at her appearance. She wore a tight black t shirt with pink design and dark blue skin tight jeans that revealed her hips with black heels. Her eyes were adorned with eyeliner and he noticed she was wearing….
“Lipstick?” He raised an eyebrow. “ That’s the first time I’m seeing it on you.”
“You don’t like it?” She fake pouted.
“No, no, no. It’s cool.” He waved his arms frantically. “ It makes you look very beautiful.”
A seductive smile appeared on her face and he gulped. What was going on in that devious head of hers now?
“ You really wanna know why I wore lipstick?” she purred as she moved towards him slowly and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“ Erm..Yeah.” He replied nervously as he noticed her face was few inches from his. He hoped Jake and the rest weren’t seeing this. He wouldn’t know how to endure the endless teasing.
“It’s because..” She ran her lips along his jaw and then whispered in his ear. “I still owe you your second birthday present.”
She nipped his ear with her lips and then drew back to wink at him.

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