Chapter 4. Alex

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Harley had been following the rules. Once again it came the time for the groceries to be delivered. Harley dreaded this because she had gotten a weird feeling about Alex, she didn't like his vibe.

It was around 7:00 when Harley was in the kitchen with Brahms making breakfast, she was making blueberry pancakes and knew Jack would eat it without complaining. She had been getting up earlier because it seemed easier to get through cleaning the traps with Jack sleeping so she didn't have to worry about him wondering off somewhere in the mansion. She had left Brahms his plate and made herself busy with washing her plate so he could snag it without her looking. She wasn't surprised when she turned around, not seeing Brahms or his plate.

She was just going up to wake Jack up for breakfast when she heard the doorbell 

Harley cringed as she walked over to the door. Harley opened the door and saw Alex holding a crate of groceries.

" Hello Alex" Harley greeted 

"Hi Harley" Alex replied with a smile 

Harley opened the door wider and Alex came in

"Uhm... I was just about to wake my brother up for some breakfast. I'll meet you in the kitchen?

"Sounds good" Alex said as he walked toward the kitchen 

Harley ran up the stairs and saw Brahms on her way, so she picked him up  and she entered Jack's room

"Jack-Jack, it's timee to wake uppp" Harley emphasized, laughing 

"I'm soo tired, Har" said Jack in a whiny voice

"Well I guess Brahms and I will just have to eat all the blueberry pancakes I made special if you're to tired" Harley teased with a shrug 

"Panshakes?" Jack asked, jumping out of bed 

Harley nodded 

"I was just kidding, I'm not tired!" Jack announced 

"Let's go then!" Harley said, grabbing Jack's hand.

She lead him downstairs to the kitchen to find Alex putting away groceries 

"Who's that?" Whispered Jack

"That's Alex, he brings us groceries" Harley whispered back

Alex turned around and saw Jack, he bent down to Jack's height 

"Hello there little guy" Alex greeted 

Jack backed behind Harley and covered his eyes. Alex rose back up to his full height looking slightly irritated 

"Sorry, he's shy" Harley told Alex

She didn't like the way Alex looked at Jack. Alex was bigger than her, Harley was 5'7 and Alex looked about 6'0. She knew the odds weren't in her favor but she had no problem defending herself and Jack if it came to it. Her mother insisted on her taking martial art classes when she had gotten into a fight with a boy in 8th grade that resulted in a 3 day suspension. The classes just stuck and she had been in them all up until she graduated high school.

Harley sat Brahms down at the table and then Jack by him. She pored Jack some syrup and have him a cup of milk and gave him his plate, he began eating it. 

Harley turned to Alex

"How much to I owe you?" She asked, eager for him to leave 

"Your father has already taken care of that" Alex told Harley 

"Speaking of you father, is he here today?"

Harley hesitated, should she tell him? Would he try some thing? 

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