Chapter 7. I made you a promise

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Harley sighed, it was late at night. She had a bad dream and couldn't sleep anymore. She wanted to listen to music and wanted water. She put in her AirPods and picked up her phone. She had all of her music on Spotify downloaded. She played one of her random playlist and "Mars" by YUNGBLUD came on. She smiled she loved this song. She turned it up and got out of bed 

Harley had on some shorts and a long sleeved black shirt, she was hot in her bed so she didn't change into something warmer, she opened her door and slowly made her way downstairs into the kitchen. When she was downstairs she turned her music up all the way and began singing along to it quietly 

Harley opened the cupboard and got out a cup and then filled it with ice and then water. She drank the water in one gulp and went to fill it again. She started her song over and started really started listening to it, the words, the guitar, everything. The very last part of the song was her favorite. Silent tears started streaming down her face but she was smiling, she was happy that Jack would for sure be safe with Aunt Rose and she could help Brahms without the fear of him going off and hurting Jack. That would be bad, she knew she would kill him if he had ever tried to come after Jack, there would be no second thought about it, she would do it without hesitation and that was that.

Suddenly the light turned on

Harley took out her AirPods and slowly turned around to see Brahms standing in the door way 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" she said 

Brahms said nothing, he walked over to her and lifted his hand and wiped away her tears, Harley hadn't realized that tears were still coming down her cheek 

"You're upset?" He asked 

"I-I uh, no. I just had a bad dream and wanted some water"

"Why are you crying?" He asked 

" I just really like this song"

"I don't hear anything" he said 

Harley turned around and put an airpod in her ear and the other in Brahms ear, she turned it down and started it over, the song started playing. They just stood there listening to it until it came to an end.

"What did you think?" She asked 

"It's different" he said 

"It's not for everybody" Harley said 

Brahms said nothing. He returned his airpod and Harley put them back in her case 

"Do you want me to tuck you back in?" She asked 

"I'm sleeping with you" he said 

Harleys eyes widened a bit, why? Was he thinking something would go down? 

"Let's go" he said

Brahms grabbed Harleys hand and led her upstairs to her room, he opened the door and climbed into her bed, Harley lingered in the doorway 

Was she really going to do this? She thought 

Brahms patted the place on the bed next to him

Harley made her way over to the bed and laid down next to Brahms, on her back looking up at the ceiling 

"Kiss" he said 

Harley sat up and looked at him. She leaned down and was going to give him a kiss on his forehead, but he moved and she ended up kissing his porcelain lips. Brahms shifted a bit under the blanket and very quietly groaned.

Harley was shocked! He had to have done that on purpose

Harley looked at Brahms and wondered what was under his mask, she knew there was a fire when he was a young boy and he was presumed dead but that had obviously been wrong 

Harley touched his mask slowly, un aware of her actions.

"Brahms?" She asked 

"Yes?" He asked, shifting a bit again

"Can I see you? Your real face?" She asked with her hand still tracing the porcelain mask

Brahms hesitated 

"You will leave me" he said 

"I won't, you know I made you a promise" she said 

He thought about it for a second.

Brahms nodded

Harley smiled 

She slid her index finger down to the bottom of the mask and slowly lifted it up and off of  Brahms face, she set it on top of the beside table on Brahms side and she turned her attention back to him

His face was very scarred on the right side and some on the left but not much, he had a beard, jet black like his curly hair

Harley starred, he was very handsome she thought 

Harley let out a breathe

"B-Brahms, you are very handsome" she breathed 

Brahms emerald eyes widened in surprise 

A single year slid down Brahms face, Harley slowly wiped it away 

"H-Harley" he breathed 

Harley cupped his face in her small hands

 "You are very handsome" she whispered this time 

Harley leaned down and very softly gave him a peck on the lips and pulled away. 

Brahms sat up and they faced each other. Harley leaned over and hugged him. He slid his arms around her waist and they hugged each other. When they laid back down, Brahms laid his head on Harley chest, she stroked his hair until they both fell asleep.

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