Chapter 1: Arriving

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"This will be good for us" Said Harley's father from the drivers seat, "Please just promise you will try to like it?", 

"I will, I promise" replied Harley, trying to re-adjust herself without waking her sleeping brother, on her lap

The car came to a stop after about two more hours. "we're here, wake your brother up"

Harley did as she was told and slightly shook her little brother Jack awake.

The Neil family had arrived to their new house or mansion, they had gotten a great deal on it. Considering how big and secluded it was. Jack was now awake and insisted on being held. Harley got out of the car holding her brother on her hip and  following her father up to the front door of the mansion 

"It's so big!" Commented Jack, playing with Harleys shoulder length blonde hair.

" It's very beautiful" Harley told her brother, handing her father Jacks suit case and picking up her own 

" Perfect for hide and seek" Their father commented, inserting the key and unlocking the door

Their father had bought the house last week after meeting with the realtor. All of their stuff was moved in and it was perfect, all they needed to do was unpack their clothes and set up the Tv and internet router . Harley was relieved that all the bedrooms had been set up, she was exhausted and knewJack had to be from a long day of traveling. 

Harley put her brother down and began climbing the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Asked her father

"Exploring" replied Harley

"Ohh, Jack coming!" Yelled Jack 

Jack had just learned how to walk and was very wobbly walking to Harley. Jack took one look at the stairs and made grabby hands at Harley. 

"Okay, I'm gonna set up the wi-fi router" said their father 

"Okay" Harley replied as she picked up her brother and propped him up on her hip

They walked down a hallway and could hear creaks here and there. Jack would look up at Harley with the biggest eyes whenever he heard the creaking Harley would just laugh. 

Harley had put Jack down and he was wobbling around, walking with one hand on the wall, in front of Harley. Jack saw a door and opened it and he went inside and saw a room decorated with toys and shelves. In the middle was a small twin size bed. Harley thought to herself, this isn't our stuff, this must have been the boys room, so she lead Jack out of there, making a mental note to further explore the room at a later time.

"Let's go find your room" Harley told Jack 

"Otay" Jack replied 

They went 1 door down and opened it. This stuff she recognized. Jacks Blue themed twin size bed was in a corner with a small bedside table near it with a small lamp on it. Jack's dresser was on the opposite side of the room against the wall and right by the dresser was Jack's toy box with all of his trains and toys 

"Wow!" Jack said as he entered the room. Harley didn't want her room really far away from Jack's. She had hoped that her bedroom was the room right next to his so she could hear if he got up in the middle of the night, because the stairs worried her.

"You like it?" Harley asked Jack excitingly

"Yes" Jack said with a pleased look on his face.

Jack went over to the toy box and began  getting his trains out and playing with them. Harley left the door open and peered into the bedroom next to Jack's and was relieved to find all of her stuff.


There it was again, Harley was very curious on what was making that noise. She put her ear to the wall and knocked, to her surprise she heard the walls were hollow. She knocked on it again and  she heard a knock back . She backed away staring at the wall with a slight smile on her face.  Harley had done her research before they came and knew all about the Heelshire's. The fire, the boy, the doll, Greta, the shattered mirror and the murder of a man called Cole Buck. Harley knew they had assigned it a cold case. It excited her.

"Spooky" Harley said out loud

Harley had always been a big horror movie fan and is always interested in the paranormal. She has an open mind and loves to learn things. Just like her mother used too

Harley went back into Jack's room and saw him still playing looking content with his trains.

"Are you hungry?" Haley asked Jack 

"Yes!" Jack exclaimed 

"Let's go downstairs and tell dad. Maybe he will let us order a pizza" Harley told Jack grabbing his hand and leading him downstairs.

Downstairs Harley saw her father on a phone that looked very old. She wondered what he was doing.

"Okay, sounds great, yes that's the one, thanks again, see you sometime this week? Great. Good bye" her father hung up the phone and faced them

"I just arranged for delivery's to be sent here once a week, so we won't have to go shopping!" Announced their father 

"That's a great idea!" Harley told her father, putting Jack down.

"I'm hungwry daddy!" Jack stated

" Can I order some pizza?" Asked Harley, "sure" Harley ordered the pizza and they all ate some. Since it was so far out, it took a long time and they tipped the delivery person good. Harley got hers and Jack's suit case upstairs while dad was setting up the Tv in the living room and Jack was watching. Harley went to Jacks room and unpacked his things and did the same in her room. 

She went downstairs and saw that Jack was nodding off so she picked him up and took him to his room.

" Sleep with Harwy?" Asked Jack somehow now awake 

"Okay, but only tonight since it's new" Harley replied, she knew he would have to sleep in his room but not tonight.

She took him to the bathroom and changed him into his Pj's. Jack climbed up into her bed and began burying himself in the soft, black comforter 

" I will be right back" Harley told Jack

Harley went downstairs to tell her father that Jack is going to sleep with her tonight. Her father tried to argue but she convinced him since it was a new environment and he finally agreed. They walked up the stairs together

" You know you look just like your mother?" Asked her father 

"Dad..." Harley replied looking at him with tears in her eyes. They had just lost her, she was the reason the had moved to the U.K, to get a "Fresh Start" It haunted Harley everyday that Jack would have to grow up without a mother. She promised herself that she would always be there for him and protect him the day they had lost their mother

"Goodnight dad" Harley wished her father.


She heard it again and this time she felt a gaze on her. She didn't know what to make of it. She didn't feel threatened nor did she feel scared, she well like she was being watched.

She walked back into her room to find Jack already sleeping. She went to the bathroom and changed into her pajamas and brushed her teeth, then took her melatonin. She had always had trouble sleeping. She  then crawled into bed, after plugging her phone in and looking at the clock which read 11:23 P.M. 

Good thing it was the beginning of summertime. No school was her last thought as she drifted to sleep. Not knowing what was behind the walls, watching her with Curiosity.

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