Chapter 8. Sing for me

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Brahms had been sleeping in Harleys room everyday for the last week, they had been inseparable.

Brahms was laying in Harleys bed reading a book while Harley was in the shower. Harley spaced out and started singing in the shower. Brahms put his book down and listened to her sing, it was so beautiful he thought. He recognized the song she was singing, it was the song they had listened to on Harleys AirPods last week, the Mars song. He chuckled and got up from his spot

Harley heard the door crack open 

"Brahms?" She asked 

"Don't let me stop you, your voice is beautiful" he said, Brahms saw her clothes on the sink and decided to mess with her and swipe them.

Harley laughed

"Get outta, I'm almost done" she said laughing 

Brahms laughed and shut the bathroom door and took his place back in her bed.

Harley turned off the faucet and wrapped herself in a towel and stepped out of the tub, she looked on the counter for her clothes, they weren't there. She was sure she brought them in.


Did he take her clothes when he cracked the door open?

She laughed, okay then 

Harley cracked the door and peeked her head out 

"Did you take my clothes?" She asked, trying not to smile 

Brahms smirked 

"What if I did?" He asked 

"I'm just gonna have to get them back" she said 

"Are you?" He asked 

"I am" she said 

"Then do it" he chuckled 

"Give me one second"

She closed the bathroom door and adjusted her towel, making sure it wouldn't fall

She opened the door and walked right out and stood in front of Brahms, he took a quick glance down at her and stood up 

She looked up at him and wrapped her arms around his waist, Brahms hands were behind his back, he was holding Harleys clothes 

"Brahms" she whispered slowly 

Brahms let out a shaky breath. Harley quickly snatched the clothes out of his hands and took a step back, she held up her clothes, showing him 

"No fair, you were distracting me!" He laughed 

"Well, don't get so distracted next time" she said smirking and made her way back to the bathroom.

When she got into the bathroom, she slipped on her under garnets and changed into the black leggings and the slightly cropped baby blue sweater Brahms took.

When she was done she opened the bathroom door and sat by Brahms, putting her head on his shoulder.

"Watcha reading?" She asked 

"The Great Gatsby" he said

"Hmm" Harley hummed 

"Are ya hungry?" She asked 

 Brahms closed his book and snuggled into Harleys chest 

"I'm not" he said 

Harley started stroking his hair, what was she going to do about this boy.

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