"Natalia," Jace yanks her back by her elbow. She turns on him but thinks better when he seems to grow in height, "Leave it alone."

"It? Or her?" She jabs a finger at me. He only responds with a growl. She spits at him and then at my feet, "Screw you, Jace."

She stalks past me. I brace myself for her knocking into me but she takes care in avoiding contact with me—whether it's because she's disgusted by the thought of touching me, or she's more frightened of Jace's response, I'm not sure.

Young-Jae whistles, "Always rearing for a fight. Told you to keep your distance, Jace—"

"Young-Jae. Shut it."

He nods and looks at me, "I'll see you inside."

He's scurrying down the hall before I can utter another word. Looking over my shoulder, I see Natalia climb into a banged up truck. She punches the dashboard and then tears out of the parking lot. I look back at Jace with wide eyes.

"Don't worry about her. She's temperamental," He comes up to me and kisses me. I open my mouth, but he shakes his head, "I know what you want to ask. Don't, because I can't answer you."

I should have known that I was going to get mothballed.

Changing tact, I raise an eyebrow at him, "In that case, I'll just go with Young-Jae." Giving him a wave, I head towards the door, "Bye, Jace!"

"Huh? Wait," He catches my hand and pulls me back, "I thought you were going to ask about...What did you want to know?"

Now that he's holding me against him, I lose my nerve and change the subject. "I...Do you want to—Young-Jae invited me to these Spanish dance lessons. They've been really fun but we're going to a salsa bar with a couple classmates...do you want to be my partner?"

"Yes," He answers quietly. He pulls my face towards his, "I'd love to."

I lean up to kiss him, but my eye catches the sight of the gaping wound on his collarbone. I gasp and pull the collar of his shirt down, "Jace! What happened?"

"She bit me," he shrugs, "Natalia lets her temper get the better of her."

I look from him to the wound, "How can you joke about that? She..." My whole body stiffens with anger as something crosses my mind, "Was this her trying to Mark you?"

He clears his throat, glancing around for anyone near us, "No..."

"That wasn't very convincing, Jace."

"I wouldn't let her do that," He murmurs, pulling me close, "It wouldn't have worked anyways. You can only Mark people who want to be Marked or if they're mates."

But you can Mark someone against their will. I think as my mind floats back to the man in the field. He had bit me, and according to Steph, had Marked me.

"It's deep," I gingerly touch it.

"It'll heal." He covers my hand with his and leans down, "Don't worry about it."

His lips aren't neglectful, and I could have gladly skipped dance practice had it not been for Richard and his mom pulling up. She honks her horn and laughs loudly as Jace and I jump apart one another. I wave half-heartedly, mortified that Richard is watching us with an open mouth. He's speechless.

"I should go inside," I'm about to move when Jace draws me in again and kisses me one last time. I fight the urge to sink into his arms, "Richard's watching."

"Precisely," He murmurs but lets me go. "I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," I smile and wave as he walks away. I wait for Richard and his mom by the door.

Wolf #1: The Pack [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن